"The Queen's Head."  

I looked over my shoulder to the three men behind me. I gave them a look; a "what does that mean?" look. Was it the name of a park, or something?  

"It's a pub," Sam explained, scratching his forehead. "Not far from here."  

I turned back to Peter. "He's being held hostage, at a pub?"  

Peter nodded. "In the cellar. The Queen's Head is where Mack does most of his dealing."  

"And how do you know this?"  

"Mack told me."  

"You've known where Will was this whole time and you didn't think of telling us? Despite your pathetic lies about how you didn't even tell Mack where I was 24/7?" I didn't wait for an answer from Peter. This time I really did slap him round the face. Peter didn't seem to mind, or was even surprised for that matter. He knew he had it coming.  

Behind me, I heard Seb say, "I found his mobile in his room." I stood up straight to see him holding up a Blackberry in his hands. He dropped it to the floor, stamping on it with his foot. It made a cracking noise, splitting into small pieces.  

"What do we do with him now?" I asked everyone, crossing my arms over my chest. I'd got the information I needed. And it took all I had not to go to The Queen's Head, wherever it was, and save Will right this second.  

"I vote we leave him tied up," Seb interjected. Luke nodded in agreement.  

"Me too," I said.  

Then without a word, we all left the room, leaving Peter struggling on the armchair for the rest of the night.

* * * * * * *

I finished drinking the fifth cup of coffee that morning and smeared a bright red lipstick across my lips. I was going for the fiery look. I gave a little roar at the mirror and giggled to myself. I was so weird, despite what we were about to do. I wasn't even looking into a proper mirror. Mum had just finished cleaning the counter so they were all gleaming white. I was sitting on a barstool, leaning over it to apply my makeup.  

"Hey pretty lady," Seb said, coming up to me with a gun. It felt odd when he called me because we weren't dating anymore.  

"Thanks," I chirped. I jumped off the barstool. The gun in hand, I suddenly felt a wave of fear run through me. We were going to save Will. We were going to save Will from The Queen's Head Pub. We had a vague plan, very vague indeed. Seb said to never have plans because nothing ever goes the way you want it to. I realized that life was like that too. Six months ago, I never thought I would be in this situation. It was like when I went to save Mum in her apartment, when Harry had been alive: I hadn't known whether I would come out alive. "Why are we going in the daytime?" I glanced out the front windows, the sun high in the sky.  

Luke, who had just slipped on a thick hoodie, started playing with a gun in each hand, spinning them round his fingers. "Because their security will be much more lenient."  

"Plus," Seb added, interrupting Luke's playing by grabbing one of the guns just before it slipped from his hand, "They won't try anything too hard on us as there will be customers in the pub."  

"Right." I nodded, just as Sam came down the stairs. I looked to my left, seeing Peter helplessly struggling in the armchair. He hadn't moved since we'd tied him up there. I wanted to feel sorry for him, I really did. But I just couldn't bring myself to.  

Casually, Sam strolled over to the armchair and started untying the rope around Peter.  

"What are you doing?" I asked, seeing Peter sigh in relief, the rope burn making red imprints on his wrists.  

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