The Cuthbert's Sanctuary

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Pulling up to Green Gables, Diana saw her father's buggy. "Oh good Lord, they're here!"

Jerry was still too drunk to be around people so this was the last thing she wanted her parents to see. She steered the horses toward the barn and looked back to see if anyone had noticed them arriving. As they came down from the buggy, Diana pushed Jerry into the barn and onto a pile of hay.

"Jerry, you need to stay here because if my parents suspect you've been drinking it will be all the worse for us".

"Your parents? I was more worried about Ms. Cuthbert. Don't worry I'm not going in there for a while" Jerry said, rubbing his head.

"I'll go in, but what should I say about where you are if someone asks? I know, I'll tell them you were upset and went to take a walk".

"Ok... Just make sure I don't sleep here all night, Ok"

"Ok" She gave him a last look before she left. He still looked a mess but she found him completely irresistible in this vulnerable state. She leaned in and planted a long kiss on his mouth, sending him reeling back in the hay. As she stood up and walked out, he hoisted himself on his elbows, watching her. With a deep exale, he laid back down and stared up at the rafters, hoping her parents would go easy on her.

Diana approached the house and knocked gently. Ms. Cuthbert opened the door and smiled empathetically. "Diana dear... we've been hoping you'd turn up". She thanked Marilla and saw her father sitting and talking with Matthew at the kitchen table. As he saw her enter, he stood up looking sheepish. Diana didn't let on to how she was feeling...sad, scared, terrified, happy. She was stoned faced.

"Father... "

"Diana, darling, I'm so glad to see you're safe. You scared me. Where did you run off to"

"I was with Anne and Gilbert. They've offered for me to stay there while Gilbert is away this week, until I figure out what to do next."

"Diana, you've just returned, please, let's just have cool heads and go home. If we are all reasonable and calm, things won't escalate with your mother".

"Speaking of my mother, where is she?"

"She stayed back home waiting for..." his voice trailed off wishing he hadn't said it.

"Father, I can't go back home. Not when I know that James could turn up at any minute and dictate my future".

"We'll let you speak privately" Marilla said, gesturing for she and Matthew to leave as the conversation was becoming personal.

"No, Ms. Cuthbert, I'd like you both to stay. Can you please tell my father that Jerry is a fine young man and that I will be well and safe with him. You see my mother is insisting that I marry a cheat and a scoundrel because she wants to save me from a life with a farm hand. Essentially, I am to give myself away to please my mother".

"Diana it's not just because he's a farm hand. He's also Acadian and it's a different culture"

"Father, what happened between the Acadians and the English was hundreds of years ago, what does that have to do with Jerry"

"It's just that the tensions still exist and I can't imagine it could ever work. Diana, please come home and give it a chance."

"Father, I can't give you the details, but you need to know that no matter what you think of Jerry, I can never ever marry James. He is not a good person"

"Diana, perhaps you need to give yourself some time to get to know him better" her father said gently.

Matthew, who had been listening patiently in silence spoke tentatively. "It seems to me uh, that Diana is a very intelligent young lady, and if she feels this James fella is someone to be leary of, perhaps we ought to give her the benefit of the doubt"

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