Safe With You

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End of March had most of the East coast sighing  with relief as the snow subsided and warm winds were blowing in from the Atlantic ocean. It looked like winter was going out like a lamb and people were already getting excited about doing away with winter gear and preparing for the spring planting.

Jerry had been very busy with tasks at Avonlea, as many of the animals stalls required fixing and most of this work needed to be ready by the time Spring came. He had it mapped out in his head; he needed to get his work done at Avonlea, make time to fix the house on Glendevon rd and needed to commit at least 15 - 20 hours a week at the Orchard to make the extra money he needed to sustain his future with Diana. The work at Avonlea paid him a minimal wage but this also didn't count his room and board. Mr and Mrs. Cuthbert wouldn't be able to pay him a fair wage once he moved to the new house and he hadn't even figured out how to tell them. It was likely true that they suspected he would eventually move on to build his own home, but they probably figured this was nowhere in the near future, given his track record with the girl he happened to love.

When Jerry received the letter from Diana, only one week ago, he had been happy to see the 5th letter from her arrive in the mail. She had been well enough to write and keep him up to date on her progress and he was just thrilled to know she was well. It was a surprise to him to see the words she'd carefully penned in her letter to him.

Cher Jerry,

I've been thinking long and hard about things and I think I am ready to come home to Avonlea. I don't know what my next move will be, but right now I feel the walls closing in on me. I found this clipping int he news paper and I want very badly to get away from Charlottetown. Jerry, will you please come and fetch me next Saturday?

Jerry found the small add tucked into the envelope and felt like he would be sick. Why had James Andrews set up shop in Charlottetown? Did he know Diana was there?

Jerry knew he'd need to go and tell Aunt Jo about his decision anyways and Saturday was as good a day as ever. At dinner, Jerry mentioned to Matthew that he would need to go to Charlottetown and offered to run any errands for he and Marilla. Matthew agreeably provided a list and said he was well enough to tend to the animals in the morning for Jerry. 

After dinner, Anne quickly pulled Jerry aside and asked if she and Ruby could come along.

"Gilbert started his apprenticeship last week and I'd love to go and say hello to him. I miss him terribly".  Jerry crossed his arms and looked at Anne.

"Anne, I don't mind if you come along but why Ruby? I have to go to Ms. Josephine to talk to her about her offer and I need to get Diana home, she asked me to pick her up. This is already going to be a big day for Diana, I don't think we should bring Ruby too".

Anne looked shocked at the hearing that Diana was coming home. She also looked a bit conflicted but finally spoke up. "Ok, I have so many questions right now, but Jerry- the truth is, I need to get Ruby in to see Dr. Ward without anyone else knowing. She has been really unwell for the past few months and she finally agreed to see him. This is a perfect excuse. Please Jerry. I'll let Ruby know that Diana is a bit overwhelmed and ask her not to ask too many questions".

Jerry finally conceded and told Anne, 8:30 AM sharp- no excuses.

"Aye Aye Captain" she responded.

By late afternoon, Anne popped into the post office and found Moody loitering outside.

"Hello Moody, how are you today?" she said cheerfully. 

"Hi Anne! Great, just waiting for Ruby to finish up her closing duties. I've been walking her home everyday."

"Moody, you're so good to look out for her. Thank you." Anne said touching his arm. 

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