Something Borrowed

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The Saturday before the wedding, Diana and Jerry made plans to go and visit her parents. Over a week had gone by since the ordeal with James and Diana felt that it was time to go and see her mother. She also needed to get a dress for Moody and Ruby's wedding and had promised to let Ruby pick out something borrowed or blue from Diana's vast array of jewelry. Ruby was to meet them at 3PM so they decided to visit just after lunch with her parents.

Jerry felt incredibly nervous and could barely eat a bite of his lunch. And Anne felt the same, as she had still not seen or heard from Gilbert.  The two of them were a bundle of nerves and for very different reasons. Marilla took pity on them and gave them each a thimble of cordial to ease the nerves.

"Now listen.. you're both wonderful young people and nothing terribly bad could come out of these situations. Jerry, at the very worst, Eliza Barry will still look down her nose at you but you've already won the battle. You 'll just need to give her time to get to know you, the way Anne did"

"That's true" Anne confirmed.

"And you Anne. Gilbert has seen the many shades of your character. He's seen you at your worst smashing a slate on his head and he cared for you when you had no hair...a lovers quarrel is to be expected... many times over.. but it's how you make up that matters".

Jerry smiled a little too broadly and Marilla looked at him sternly "That's not what I meant Mr. Baynard, get your head out of the gutter".

Jerry flushed and Anne giggled at him, though she had a whole manner of visions going through her head. She had been so consumed with being angry or worried that she never gave any thought to how she might repair this with Gilbert.

"What if he doesn't show up tomorrow Marilla?"

"Nonsense... he has always shown up for you- even when you didn't expect it. Now Jerry, come here, let me fix your shirt". She stood up and reached up to adjust the collar on Jerry's new blue shirt. She had picked two shirts up for him in Cardmody last week and she was pleased at how gentlemanly he looked. She peered up at him and placed her hands on his cheeks, tapping his face gently "you've grown into a fine young man and they will be lucky to have you.. don't you forget that".

It was quite uncommon for Marilla to break into some sentimental speech, but she did love Jerry like family now and she wanted him to head into the Barry's house with the confidence he needed. Jerry surprised Marilla with an embrace. "Thank you Ms. Cuthpert".

"Anne, let's keep your mind and hands busy, I need your help with Ruby's cake".

When Jerry met Diana at the end of the lane to her parents house he was a sight for sore eyes. She didn't remember seeing Jerry look so handsome. His brown hair was combed and styled, his shirt neatly pressed and his pants were clean. "Oh my goodness" she said "don't you look handsome". He smiled nervously and adjusted his sleeves " I just want to make a good impression".

"That wasn't necessary but I do appreciate that" she said taking his hand. "Ready to do this... again".

"Ready" he said.

Rose welcomed them at the door with a giant smile- she was always so close to Diana and felt a great relief to have her home again. While the visit was a bit tense and uncomfortable at first, Jerry relaxed into a rhythm of chatting with Mr. Barry and happily accepted to learn how to play checkers with Minnie Mae which seemed to garner some laughs when he kept making the same mistakes. They had tea and fancy deserts that Mrs. Barry had ordered specifically for the visit. While she eyed Jerry suspiciously, she was still relatively civil towards him and giggled a few times when he became competitive and teased Minnie Mae when he kept losing.

"We never had games like this growing up. We used to play tic tac toe and hangman with pieces of white rock and birch bark" he said.

"Oh that's unfortunate" Mrs. Barry said... "we have so many games, perhaps your siblings would like to borrow some" she said gently.

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