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Authors' Note

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Welcome to our NaNoWriMo project for 2020! 

Last year, we won NaNo by writing ADRIFT, our YA paranormal thriller, so we knew this year we couldn't pass up the chance to participate.  

This time, we decided to stick with the paranormal since that's our favorite place to be, but we went with new adult this time, and you know what that means...more intense situations, more mature themes, and...more steam! 

We wanted to write a story in our favorite genre, but also something new and fresh. We think we've done it with Spellbound, and we are so excited to hear what you think! 

This story is COMPLETE!! So stretch it out, or binge away! 

And now, sit back, relax, and enjoy Spellbound.

-Crystal and Felicity 

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