Chapter 5

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Back to Savannah's POV
We got done with dinner and started to open presents. Some of the other people left because they "had somewhere else to be" but I knew they were going back to the hype house to get some more things ready. I got him a Louis Vuitton purse backpack. When we were done we headed to the hype house. When we walked in it kinda made me jump when everyone screamed SURPRISE. Noah noticed and pulled me away from everyone I guess to talk to me. I couldn't tell him why it scared me because I don't want him to fell bad for me.
Noah- "Are you okay?"
Savannah- "Yeah ofc!! Why wouldn't I be?"
Noah- "Because after everyone screamed SURPRISE you kinda flinched!" He looked into my eyes like he was trying to read me and I don't want that to happen. I don't wanna open up to him because then he'll look at me in a different way.
Savannah- "Yeah I'm all good! It just kinda surprised me ya know. 🙂" I could tell he wasn't buying it. "Anyway let's get this party started!!" I said walking off.

🍻Bryce's POV🍻
After everyone yelled SURPRISE I saw Savannah kinda jump. I felt bad so I started to headed over to her. That's when I saw Noah go up to her and walk off with her. I'm guessing he was talking to her about what just happened. So I just walked off and went and got a white claw. I promised Addi I wouldn't get drunk tonight, so I'm just going to have a few drinks. I saw Savannah walk off from where her and Noah were talking mad. I was going over to her when Noah came up to me.
Noah- "Something's wrong with her and she's not saying what."
Bryce- "She really doesn't have to say anything to anyone about what's wrong."
Noah- "I'm sorry I was just concerned about her!"
He walked away to the drink table so I just walked around to try and find Savannah. I found Savannah with the girls, happy so I just left her there. I'll talk to her later about what happened if she wants to talk about it.

🤩Noah POV🤩
I still don't know whats wrong with Savannah but I'm just going to let it go. I'm gonna have fun tonight and not let it get in the way. I see a guy walk up to her and wrap his arms around her waist. I can fell my blood boiling. This girl is such a fucking hoe. She starts getting really close to people then moves on to another guy. I walk out to the boys with an attitude but try to cover it. And I'm pretty sure that the boys didn't notice anything.

Savannah's POV
I felt arms wrap around my waist and I was expecting it to be Noah but when I turned around I saw him. I saw my ex, Brian. As soon as I looked at him all the memories came flooding back.
Savannah- "Brian! What are you doing here?!" I looked at him with fear rushing through my head.
Brian- "It was an open party, right baby? I'm just here to have fun!" He smirked.
Savannah- "DONT EVER CALL ME BABY AGAIN! EVER!" I was looking around for Bryce but he was nowhere to be found. Addison walked over to me.
Addison- "Is everything alright over here? I heard yelling just coming to check on you!"
Brian- "Everything is just fine over here!"
Savannah- "Actually it's not all ok over here." I whisper in her ear. "Go get Bryce please! Just say Brian and he'll understand!"

👸Addison's POV👸
Savannah- "Actually is not all ok over here." She whispered in my ear. "Go get Bryce please! Just say Brian and he'll understand!" She looked at me in pure fear. I ran over to the boys quite fast.
Addison- "Bryce it's Savannah!! She told me to say something about someone named Brian and you'll understand. I don't-" Bryce interrupted me.
Bryce- "Brian's here? Like right now?" Most the boys looked at me mad but Noah and Blake looked at my confused.
Addison- "Yeah he is here like right now. Ummm I just don't know who he is." I shrugged really confused.
Josh- "Where is she now?" Josh asked angrily.
Addison- "Their in the main room in there. But hurry she looked like she was in fear!"
And with that all the boys left me outside confused. I walked inside to hear screaming.

Savannah's POV
Addison left me here alone to talk to Brian. I looked back up to him again and I started crying.
Brian- "Is my poor babygirl crying? What's wrong sweetheart?" He started to put his hands around me to comfort me then I slapped him away.
Savannah- "I told you to stop calling me that and leave me alone!"
Then I heard Bryce scream and I jumped again.
Brian- "Ooooooooo goody!! Her sweet big brother is trying to start something!" He said laughing. I walked away crying because I couldn't stand to be by him without thinking of everything that happened. I bumped into someone. I turn around and see a boy I don't recognize.
Savannah- "Oh I'm so sorry!! It's my fault I wasn't paying attention."
????- "Oh no it was my fault!! Are you okay?"
Savannah- "Not really, no. Oh and by the way my name's Savannah!"
????- "Oh yeah sorry, my names Tray."
Savannah- "Nice to meet you Tray."
Tray- "Want me to get you a drink? You look like you could use one."
Without thinking I say yes. He came back and I basically chucked it and started feeling weird.
Savannah- "Ummmm... I think I could use some fresh air."
Tray- "For sure!! I'll come with you."
I start to feel myself falling over and Tray catching me.
Savannah- "No. it's okay! I got it."
Tray-  "Just follow me Savannah."
I started to scream, hoping someone would hear me but the music was too loud nobody could hear me. He took me to what seemed like a bed room and put me on a bed. I tried fighting him but I didn't have the strength. I tried screaming again but he put tape over my mouth. This is happening again. I start to panic and break down crying.How did nobody notice I was gone? How could nobody hear me?

🍻Bryce's POV🍻
I just knocked out Brian and now I can't find Savannah.
Bryce- "Has anyone seen or talked to Savannah?!" I say in a very panicked way. "She was crying and I don't really know where she went."
Dixie- "I saw her walk off with Tray but I don't know where they went after that!"
Bryce- "She walked off with a dude named Tray?!"
Dixie- "And she seemed pretty drunk so I think they went outside to get some fresh air or something." I looked around and nobody found that weird.
Bryce- "1: she never gets drunk and 2: why does nobody find that weird?"
Noah- "I don't know man. Isn't it pretty obvious your sister is a little slut? She literally talks to very guy and is so flirty with everyone."
Bryce- "I know you did not just call my little sister a slut!" That's when I heard someone scream to someone else to stop fighting and it finally hit me. She wasn't drunk she was drugged and that Tray dude is taking advantage of her. "But you know what Noah? That's the least of my worries right now!!" I then ran into the hallway and tried opening the door but it was locked. I couldn't get it to unlock so I kicked it over and I saw something I never wanted to see again. I saw that dude Tray, I'm guessing, on top of her and her crying.
Tray- "Look man!! She wanted it. She basically forced me into it."
Bryce- "WELL THE TEARS IN HER EYES TELL A DIFFERENT STORY!!" I felt so bad that I let this happen again. "GET OFF OF HER AND LEAVE BEFORE I CALL THE COPS!!" He just sat there and laughed at me. "I MEAN IT! GET OUT OF MY MF SIGHT!!!!!!"
Tray- "OK!! NO NEED TO SHOUT!!" He ran out of the door and I heard him hit the floor.
I walked over to Savannah, took the tape off her mouth, and watched her cry. I put my hoodie over here and comforted her. I couldn't stand to see her cry anymore. I tried to help her up but she was crying too much and was really sore. I rapped her in a blanket and carried her to the car. I drove us home and took us to her room. I took off the remaining makeup she had on and put her in bed. I couldn't leave her so I just fell asleep next to her.

It'll always be you... Noah BeckWhere stories live. Discover now