Chapter 17

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Savannah's POV
I start driving down the street soon realizing that I don't have any idea where we're going. Pulling over I ask,
Savannah- "Where would you like to eat?"
Noah- "Nope!! Your picking!!"
Savannah- "No I'm not. You are making this day all about me and this day should be about us." I say pointing between us both.  "This is a 50/50 relationship. You do something special for me, I get to do something special for you!! Besides after lunch I have a surprise for you, mister!!" I said poking him in the chest.
Noah- "Oh do you now?"
Savannah- "Yeah, in fact I do!"
Noah- "Well I was planning on you telling me where to go because I really don't know that many good lunch spots to go eat at."
Savannah- "Well what kind of food are you looking for? There's pizza places, sandwich and salad places, taco places, Taiwanese places, sushi places,Thai places, there's really just about anything in LA."
Noah- "Let's go with the restaurants out of the pizza places, and sandwich and salad places."
Savannah- "Tartine Bianco and a place called "Friends and Family" are two really good sandwich and salad places and Roberta's is *chefs kiss* an amazing pizza place!!"
Noah- "Is Roberta's ok with you?"
Savannah- "Of course!! Some of my childhood best friend's dad actually owns and runs it!!" I inform him getting back onto the main road.
Noah- "What's her name?"
Savannah- "Their actually twins, Braxton and Lily. And we are still all really good friends actually! Hopefully their there and I can introduce you to them!!"
Noah- "I would love to meet them!! Anything I need to know before, if we do end up meeting them? Like have you dated Braxton at any point?"
Savannah- "Hell. No." I say wide eyed. " One: He's not my type, Two: He can never keep a girlfriend, and Three: He is like a freaking brother to me. Although we have kissed a couple of times because of stupid college and high school games, but other than that nothing. And I mean nothing other than that has happened between us, in true honesty." Which is true. But we're both closer than anyone thinks. He's the one who found out first. I thought for a second before continuing. "We've never pursued anything other than a friendship! And I know we never will because I wanna be with you!" I said before looking over to a smiley Noah. "He's always been protective over me though and he checks on me quite a bit. They both go to UCLA with me. Lily and I are going to share an apartment this coming up school year with some of our other friends as well! If it all go according to plan!!"
Noah- "How many people are going to be sharing the apartment?" He asked with an eyebrow perked up.
Savannah- "Lizzie, Lily, Jocelyn, and me." I said looking back at him. "Along with one more person I wanna tell you about at lunch."
Noah- "Why can't you just tell me now? Why does it have to be at lunch?"
Savannah- "Because if I tell you now, you might loose your shit and I won't be able to calm you down."

After another 10 minutes in the car, we arrived at Roberta's. We walked in and I immediately spotted him. He's serving a table of 2. Wearing a black shirt, jeans, and some nice shoes, with a nice watch, a waiter apron on, and a little more buffer arms than I had remembered a few months ago. I hadn't seen him since school let out in May, but he's been checking on me constantly for the past 2 1/2 months. He's the one person other than Bryce and one of my sisters that has been there for me this whole time. Sure Lily has been there since day one, but she doesn't know the full story like most of my other friends don't either. I'm sure by now Noah has caught on that I'm staring because I feel him shift closer to me and whisper in my ear.
Noah- "Everything alright?"
Savannah- "Yeah, of course!! Sorry!! I zoned out again!!"
Noah- "It's ok!! But let's go get seated because I'm pretty sure that the hostess is waiting at our table." He said before laughing.
The hostess sat us down at a table for two and we immediately sat down. I was skimming through the fairly large menu when I heard a familiar voice.
Waiter- "Hi I'm Braxton. I'm going to be your server for today. What can I get you guys started with to drink?" I looked up from my menu and started giggling.
Savannah- "Nice watch by the way!! But my name's Savannah and I would like a water!!" He slowly looked up from his note pad and smiled.
Braxton- "No.Freaking.Way." I got up bringing him into a big hug.
Savannah- "I want you to meet someone. This is Noah, my boyfriend!!" I said with a huge smile on my face. "We meet through Bryce. Had a rocky start, but ended up becoming really good friends and then more obviously!!" They looked at each other and shook hands.
Noah- "Nice to meet, man!!"
Braxton- "Right back at uh!! Oh and by the way if you end up hurting her, I'll end up hurting you!! What would you like to drink?" With that I smack his back and all three of us start laughing.
Noah- "I'll take a water as well!!" 
Braxton- "Are y'all ready to order too?" I look over to Noah with a questioning look and he nods.
Savannah- "Yes!! I'll have the Margarita Pizza with a side Cesar Salad."
Noah- "And I'll have the Four Emperors Pizza."
Braxton- "Alrighty!! I will get your drinks right out!!"

It'll always be you... Noah BeckDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora