Chapter 1

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I was having an amazing sleep when my ass of a brother, came and woke me up.
Savannah- "OKAY! OKAY! IM UP! What do you want?"
Bryce- "Theres a new guy joining sway and I want you to come and meet him! He'll be here in 30 minutes so be ready by the time he's here."
Savannah- "Geeeee thanks for the short notice!!"
Bryce- "Just get up and stop complaining!"
Savannah- "Fine! I'm up!! Happy now?"
Bryce- "Look! I know you don't necessarily like meeting new people, well especially new dudes, but please try to be nice."
Savannah- "I'll try! But I have 1 question."
Bryce- "SHOOT!"
Savannah- "Where's this mystery boy going to sleep?"
Bryce- "We'll figure it out later." I sighed falling back in bed and laying there.
I know what your thinking, "wow,wow,we don't even know you" Well your right. Anyways... my name is Savannah Hall, Bryce Hall's little sister. I'm 19 years old, have 16 million followers on tiktok, 5 million on Instagram, and live with 8, now 9 idiots, formally known as the sway boys.
I decided I better just get my ass up already, so I don't over sleep. I get up and just throw on:

 I get up and just throw on:

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

  But as I look at myself in the mirror I begin to cry

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

But as I look at myself in the mirror I begin to cry. I start getting those thoughts again about how I'm not good enough to ever be loved again. Why would anyone want a fat ass like me? They would never want me especially looking like this!! Goodness! I don't even love myself. I'm a a freaking mess and a half. There I am in my room, just being a little cry baby again. I thought to myself. But if someone ever did love me would I be able to love them and trust them, that they wouldn't hurt me? Thinking about it scares the shit out of me honestly. I fall to the ground crying, hoping nobody hears me or I'll have to explain.

Bryce- "SAVANNAH!! GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE!!" Bryce shouted from downstairs
I quickly stood up, wiping my tears. Finishing getting dressed. I couldn't let the boys see me crying or I'll have to explain and at the moment I don't really feel like talking to anyone about anything. But I know that I have to meet this new boy joining sway. I was mentally preparing myself to meet this new boy and to try to be nice to him.
Savannah- "I'm here" 🙂 is all I could say because I'm not in the mood to meet new people right now. Well like when I'm I ever? Geez
Bryce- "So Savannah, this is Noah Beck, Noah Beck this is Savannah." This boy was quite attractive,but I can't be saying that he's my brother's friend and I'm not looking for a relationship right now.
Noah- "wow." he whispered thinking we couldn't hear him.we all laughed
Savannah- "Yup! That's my name, Savannah. Now if you don't mind 🙂 I'm going to go get some food from the kitchen and going back to my dungeon of a room."
I walk off kinda with an attitude and Bryce follows. Great!!

🤩Noah's POV:🤩
My Uber had just dropped me off at the new sway house. It looks so much bigger in real life than it does in pictures. I knocked on the door and Jaden, Josh, Blake, and Bryce answered and just stud there staring at me.
Noah: "What?! Is my hair messed up or sum?"
Bryce- "Nope! Just can't believe your here man!! Nice to see ya."
Blake- "Yeah, nice to finally meet you!!"
Jaden- "Well are we just going to stand here and stare at him or-"
Bryce- "Oh shit yeah!! Sorry"
I walk inside and it looks amazing inside.
Bryce- "SAVANNAH!! GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE!!" Bryce shouted
Who the crap is Savan- oh my gosh!! My thoughts were interrupted when I saw an absolute beautiful girl appear at the bottom of the stairs. I swear my jaw dropped all the way to the ground when I saw her.
Bryce- "So Savannah, this is Noah Beck, Noah Beck this is Savannah." Oh my gosh she is so freaking beautiful.
Noah- "wow." I whispered, hoping nobody heard me. But I'm pretty sure everyone heard because they all laughed.
Savannah- "Yup! That's my name, Savannah. Now if you don't mind, I'm going to go get some food from the kitchen and going back to my dungeon of a room." I chuckled. She then walked off  and I was still amazed. How could someone so beautiful be so feisty? 😂
Noah- "Whose girl is that?" They all laughed at me.
Josh-" Why you wanna make her yours or sum?"
Noah- "Shes quite beautiful, but nah!! She doesn't seem that interested in me. Plus if she's ur-" they all laughed at me again
Bryce- "Shes my little sister!! And I love er!" I chuckled
Noah- "Whoops!! So she doesn't have a boyfriend?"
Jaden- "Nope. Not anymore."
Bryce- "She seems a little off. Imma go check on her to see if she's all good." And with that he walked off to the kitchen.

A/N: So what do you think of the first chapter? Hope you like it!!

It'll always be you... Noah BeckUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum