Episode 25

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Kenji's telepathic message reached the minds of the other teens which made them fight more intense than usual as they became bloodlusted and felt their power surge through their veins like a frenzy almost causing them to go feral but thankfully they had been trained since they were children to be able to controle possible ferality and so they did not get out out of control.

The sudden and out of nowhere high burst of power,speed and agility from them shocked the hyenas who really did not know a thing about the teenagers's ability to raise their power level to such heights and thus the hyenas were more on the defensive than anything else then but they had an ability of their own where they hardened their bodies to be tougher.

The teenagers landed hit after hit
but something was wrong is what they could also feel why did it feel to them like they were fighting rocks? it was something they couldn't deny,they were slightly exhausted because they didn't understand why it felt like their shots were not doing anything at all so they tightened their muscles in their arms and legs and pushed on.

The heynas got evil grins on their faces seeing as they had the upper hand and they were of the idea that they already had victory in the bag seeing as they could see that the fatigue was setting in on the teenagers who although the teens had made them use their hardening ability aluding to their toughness and skill they believed that they'd won.

But the teenagers had a surprise for them they were not going to be beaten right there by a bunch of genitically modified freaks from the evil Rezin they will keep on trying and they will certainly not give up until they've won so they superspeeded into a line as humans holding hands with Kenji in the middle and then transformed once again into animals.

They glowed a little,disappeared and reappeared again in front of their respective oppenents,Tora and Shishana sent their opponents flying,Tsukiko,Akane and Gina forced their opponents into a back to back stance and killed them,Hyona and Chitayna bit down on their opponents's throats crushing their windpipes,Kireitsune,Jackie and Kenji headbutted their's.

Just as they transformed back into humans an evil laughter boomed turning around they saw an oversized Hyena who they concluded assumed must be Rizen the evil madman so they all glared at him viciously causing him to smirk at the fact that they already knew his identity making them glare at him more then Kenji spoke up.

Kenji : Rizen we will kill you!

Rizen : You kill me when you are all so weak? You're all really just a bunch of brats

Kenji looked at the girls giving them a look and they all transformed into their animal forms and rushed at Rizen but he knocked them all back and they all looked shocked but they pushed forward not willing to let him ever beat them and they clawed and swatted and bit at him but he just either dodged or parried and headbutted and tackled them.

Everyone lay strewn all across the battlefield in their human forms either knocked out or curled up in agony and things looked bleak but that moment Kenji stood up and looked wide eyed at his friends laying defeated his eyes narrowed dangerously as he unsettingly calmly turned towards Rizen and his usually black eyes became blood red.

Rizen's blood froze but then his normal smug look returned and he believed himself to have just been suprised at human Kenji's power but he was proven wrong when the one moment he was still there gloating the next Kenji had slammed into him sending him flying into a thick tree with such force that the tree was sent careening backwards with Rizen.

Kenji's Cheetah ears and tail popped out and the tips of the ears became sharper looking and his tail seemed to lengthen and thicken and a black smokey aura seemed to radiate from his very being and his Cheetah teeth came out sharper and longer temporarily replacing his human teeth his canines even more so than the rest of his teeth and he spoke.

Kenji : You won't live to see another day Rizen I will make you beg for your life and then I'll kill you!

Kenji made an angry dash forward towards Rizen who also stood in his half human half animal form and was rising when in a matter of seconds Kenji punched him in the gut with such force that Rizen doubled over Kenji's fist but Kenji forced him up punching him in the face,gut and chest pummeling him mercilissely but Kenji suddenly fell to his knees.

Rizen : I see my paralyzing ability has had it's affect so I may be battered but you can't fight anymore dumb brat!

And that's when all the girls as hurt as they were from that one way battle were by Kenji's side almost instantly and they transferred some power over to him.

Kenji : Thank you girls. You now see Rizen? You are the weakling here you coward!

Kenji ran forward and threw a punch at him and saw him beg for mercy in his last seconds but Kenji killed him.

Kenji! they all yelled happily and squished Kenji together in a group hug and when they let go they said.

We love you Kenji!

Before he could even feel shocked each of them came forward and gave him a deep warm kiss on the lips and surprisingly Jackie who is the group's Tsundere even French kissed him making the other girls cheer because she finally accepted that she was in love with him and he was dazed after that but he smiled at them and he said.

I love you too girls.

Later his parents congratulated him on his new Romantic relationship with the girls.

1'st season end

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