Episode 7

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Kenji and the girls were sitting at the dining table without so much as a word for a change until...

Kireitsune : Why are we overthinking this upcoming survival camp guys?

Kenji : Yeah hey we're animorphics,survival should come natural to our group.

Tora : Kireitsune-san and Kenji-san are right,we shouldn't stress about this whole thing.

Tsukiko : Yeah and besides we're a Pack(looks at Shishana) and yes Shishana a Pride as well.

Gina : We'll even outshine the full animals when it comes to surviving out there.

Akane : You can bet on it,the outside world won't beat

Kenji : Okay then it's settled,we will not go out there in doubt but rather in determination.

They all throw their fists up in the air and finish getting ready for school optimistically.

[13 minutes before school starts]

Kenji : So today is my 2nd out of three days of hanging with you three at school.

Tsukiko : Yip that's right,with us 3 here with you we're a smaller version of our pack Kenji-kun.

Gina : You can say that again.

Akane : You bet ya.

Suddenly a big muscled guy appeared before the three who then stood at the ready.

Everyone else gave way to see what was going to happen in this fight,they could all smell trouble.

The guy looked at the three and then lunged forward to punch Kenji in the face but he dodged.

Kenji : I don't know who you are but your messing with the wrong people here man.

Tsukiko : You better listen to him muscle head,remember what happened to those other losers.

Gina : Heed our warning or else

Akane : We won't tell you again.

Muscled guy : Oh I heard what you did to those troublemakers but I'm not a student(laughing).

Kenji : Hm I see,your scent just screams power but don't think that we're intimidated.

The big guy just keeps laughing and swings a surprise punch catching Kenji off guard and sending him hurtling towards a tree but the three girls caught him however all four still skidded to a halt just centimetres from smashing into the tree which showed the guy's power.

Kenji : Now you've done it dude,we won't hold back now,no one's around to see anything.

Everyone else had gone to hide cause they thought he had a gun except the rest of Kenji's hostel.

Muscled guy : Haha show me what you can do kid,you are all no match for my power.

All at once the rest of Kenji's friends appeared by the four's side.

Chitayna : Kenji-Senpai,Tsukiko,Gina,Akane are you alright.

Hyōna : Yeah we came running when we heard a big muscled guy had shown up here.

Jackie : I see you've taken a hit in the face Kenji-kun,well now it's on like donkey Kong.

The other four of the rest of the group didn't say anything but just glared at the guy.

Kenji : Okay you guys on three we go and attack all at once

Before the guy had time to think they slashed at the air sending claw shaped energy at him.

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