Daddy's little Prince

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Your POV

As I wake up I can see a white ceiling and the faint Murder of voices. I sit up and groan in pain to see Harry sat in the adjacent bed. "Buttercup your awake how are you" Harry asked quickly "How long have I been out for?" I ask him "not long a few hours, the quidditch celebration are still going on outside, Madam Pomfrey fixed you, just a broken leg she said luckily", "And you?" I asked curiously because of earlier "Broken arm, but the idiot Lockhart tried to fix it and ended up removing the bone so Madam Pomfrey gave me a potion but said it would be a long night of pain from growing it back" I was about to respond when Draco entered and rushed over gingerly. "Potter are you ok" "Yes I'm fine thank you" I responded, surprised he had come to see me. "What are you doing here, Malfoy" Harry sneered. "Hey, Halfblood I'm here to see her not you" "Well I though I told you to stay away from my sister you privileged twat now leave NOW" Harry yelled back. "Make me" Draco retorted, lightly shoving a now standing Harry, Harry then pushed him back, hard into a curtain as he struggled to regain balance he purged at Harry, punching him and making his lip split open. "Malfoy" I snap at him, and he looks apologetically to me as I attempt to stand to get to Harry. "I wouldn't do that if I where you" I heard a sneering voice come from the entrance, Lucius. "Well your not are you?" I retorted, tripping my way to Harry's bed even with a full leg cast on. "A feisty one you, like your mother, and look where that got her" I glared him straight in the eyes "Don't you dare talk about my mother". He ignored my statement and turned to a groaning Harry, "A sorry excuse for a familiy really" he said, "Yeah and what would you know about familiy, your all show and no real love" with that he instantly turned enraged and began to come closer to you "I would watch your mouth or-" "Or what" I cut him off. He looks like he is about to slap me when Madam Pomfrey enters. "Mr Malfoy you should not be here please take your son and leave" "But Mada-" Draco starts before bieng cut of by his Father "Come now Draco, I forbid you from socialising with these halfblood scum do you here me" he looked him dead in the eyes whilst grabbing his forearm and began dragging him out. "Yes Father, why would I want to mingle with filthy blood Anyways" that hurt you and you sat back on the edge of your bed, a single tear slipped down your cheek. Little did you know Draco looked back at you and saw this, it killed him inside but knew he must do as his father wishes else there will be hell to pay after.

For the next few days I was stupid enough to still go to our meeting spot on the balcony of the astronomy tower, looking out to the stars feeling more alone then ever. I was a fool to trust Draco, he never liked me, not as a friend or even a person in general. He ignored you now aswell, exept the occasional trip or hex on the hall but he did that to all the Gryffindors. It pained me but what could I do, Daddy's little Prince was set on his priorities

The Princess of Dragons: Second Year 🐍Draco x Reader🐍⚡️Potter Twins⚡️Where stories live. Discover now