"We have both escaped Master Malfoy, Miss Athene!"

"I know Dobby, I'm sorry that you have to take us back into that house."

"Dobby will do anything to help Mr Harry Potter and friends, Miss Malfoy!"

She smiled down at him and looked at Dumbledore and Moody. One was smiling, and one looked unimpressed. 

"I'm still extremely unhappy with you going, Nymphadora." The auror spoke.

Tonks' hair turned red, again, and she went to repeat her mantra, "don't call me-"

"Nymphadora- yes yes, I know."

"I'll be fine Alastor. After all, this is what you trained me for."

He huffed in agreement.

"What's the plan, Miss Malfoy?" Dumbledore asked her politely.

"Excuse me?"

"You know your home best,"

"It's not my home."She cut in.

"I apologise, you know Malfoy Manor best, where would you recommend Dobby taking you? Your room, perhaps?"

"No, that's too central, we'll be seen immediately." She hummed and thought for a second, trying to memorize all of the hallways and rooms and where they each led to. "The back library Dobby, the one that only Draco used to go in, do you remember?"

Dobby nodded eagerly, "Yes, Miss Athene, I can take you there."

"Very well, Miss Malfoy, the two of you will meet Dobby back there every hour to leave, or ask him to return an hour later. It is imperative that you get back to him, if you are over five minutes late, we will assume that you have been found."

The two witches nodded. 

"Under no circumstances should you split up," he continued, "Miss Tonks here does not know her way around the manor and, due to her relation to the Malfoy's, she would likely be an enjoyable target for her mother's sister, Bellatrix Lestrange, who had recently escaped from Azkaban."

"Fucking psycho, she is." Athene breathed to Tonks who muttered back, "great."

"Remember, the Dark Lord himself could be there, if he is, then you go to the library, and you hide. You have a good chance against any death eater, but if you believe him to be there, or if you hear that he will arrive, then you get out immediately."

"I'll know, professor," Athene said, "if he's close I mean." She rolled up her sleeve and gestured to her scarred dark mark, "this will tell me."

"Well at least it's good for bloody something." Mad-Eye grunted.

Dumbledore ignored him and continued barking his instructions. "Remember, you are looking for any piece of information regarding the Dark Lord's plans for Harry Potter, or anything regarding the prophecy. The smallest bit of knowledge may save a life, so please, both of you, stay alert. And, Miss Malfoy, do not get dragged back in by nostalgia."

"Nostalgia of Lucius trying to kill me, professor?" She said with a twisted grin. "There's not much chance of that happening."

"Very well," the man said. "Good luck to you both."

He stared at Moody and nudged him, "Alastor."

"Right. Good luck. Don't mess up."

The two witches looked at each other, their eyes full of apprehension, they embraced quickly, both squeezing each other to reassure the other that it would be okay. 

"Now or never," Tonks murmured. 

"Ready, Dobby?"

"Ready, take my hands please, Miss Malfoy, Miss Tonks."

The two witches took hold of Dobby's small hands and he looked at the two and nodded, the familiar, rushing feeling of apparating took over Athene's body and she felt herself being sick as dark shadows took shape around her. Tonks pulled her up and the two women looked around. The library stood just as she remembered it, Narcissa had named it Draco's Library, as he was the only one that had ever truly used it. It was less claustrophobic than she remembered, perhaps her head was clearer now.

The bookshelves reached up to the ceiling, which was bewitched to have stars like the one at Hogwarts. It was vast and held a huge, crystal chandelier. The floors and walls were black, and there were green chaise lounges dotted around the room. Athene stared, emotionlessly, whilst Dobby shuddered at the sight. 

"Merlin," Tonks whispered, "is this what I could have got if darling mother had decided to stay in the family?"

"This and a cruciatus curse every other day," Athene whispered back. 

"It's all very... Slytherin." 

"Well, Nymphadora, we're all very Slytherin."

"Stay safe, friends!" Dobby squeaked, before vanishing. 

"Where to?" Tonks murmured, snapping out of her trance. Athene opened her mouth to speak but stopped herself, the witches heads had both flicked in the direction of the door.

Athene grabbed her cousin's hand and gestured to be quiet with a finger over her lip, the two witches exited the room, Athene taking the lead as she led the woman to the parlor, where raised voices could be heard.

A/N Lockdown is making me write so much lol

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