Chapter 2: Aliens

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We both get up to find the alien trying to get Visions stone out of his head. Wanda tried to do something but then another alien and her started to fight. Pietro speeds over to the alien hovering over Vision and sonic punches him into the wall.

I run over to Wanda, and say, "Get to Vision, make sure he's alright." She nods, and I take over the girl alien. She swings her staff at me and I catch it, trying to avoid the ends. I push the staff back towards her way, making her lose her balance. I stick out my foot, making her trip onto the ground.

I pull the staff out of her hands, and point it towards her. "Why are you here?" I scream in her face.

"To finish my father's plan," she snarls. Who's her father? She caught me off guard and kicked me in the stomach, taking her weird staff back. She swings it at me again, and I duck, and punch her in the face. She backs me up the wall, having her staff against my neck, choking me. "Pity human," she spats.

Then I see a blue blur, and feel the release of my neck, and I choke out for air. "You alright, princessa?" Pietro asks me, and I nod. Then the alien shoots something at him, making him fall to the ground.

I yell out his name, running over to his side. The alien runs away, towards Wanda. I check, making sure he has no wounds, and he quickly gets up. "Where's the other creature?" I ask him.

"Found him," he says, and points towards a building where you can see the male alien and Vision flying, throwing each other against buildings. Pietro speeds me over to Wanda, and Pietro uses his speed to run up the building Vision was at (a new skill he learned).

We were fighting the same female alien. I was doing my best moves I knew, while Wanda was using her power, trying to grab her weapon. Suddenly Vision screams, and she flys the alien over her head, into a flaming car. Having her powers would be so much easier.

She then flies up to the building where Vision is at while I run up to the flaming car. I see the alien shoot Wanda and Vision out of the sky, making them fall through the roof of the train station.

I run over and she stands up. I throw myself over her shoulders, knocking her to the ground, and I grab her into a chokehold, kicking her staff away from her, hoping to make her pass out.

What I didn't know is that she could somehow grab her staff and she uses the end to cut my arm. I scream in pain, releasing her. I hug my arm, and she runs off towards the train station.

Pietro speeds over, "What happened?" he asks, looking over my arm.

"Her staff, it's pretty cool," I say, trying to play it off like it's not a big deal. I get up, trying to ignore the amount of pain I'm in and say, "let's get to Wanda and Vision." He nods, and picks me up bridal style, and speeds us over to the train station.

He stops me and drops me next to Wanda, while he goes on the other side of her. We stand in front of the two aliens, ready to fight, when a train passes making a noise. We all look back towards it, and the train finally passes, showing a dark shadow of a man.

The female alien throws her lit staff at the man, and he catches it with ease, and reveals Steve Rogers with a beard. "Always the one with the entrances," I smirk, knowing he would have brought friends.

Sam then flies in, kicking the alien down, and throwing missiles at the other. What surprises me is to see Natasha with blonde hair run in, fighting an alien, and eventually stabbing him in the chest, just like he did to Vision.

Eventually the aliens forfeit, going back to wherever they came from, and I smile. Wanda walks over to Vision, trying to help him, while we stand near them. Sam, Steve and Natasha all walk over and Sam asks Vision, "Can you stand?"

Sam helps Vision up while throwing an arm around him. "Thank you, Captain," Vision says, his voice becoming distorted.

"Let's get you on the jet," Steve says. We all walk to the quinjet, and I finally get a good look at Natasha.

"New look? Blonde hair, green outfit. It's like I don't know you anymore," I joke and she smirks.

"Well, it's not easy being in hiding," she says.

"Neither is hiding people," I say. We all get onto the quinjet, and Pietro grabs a wrap to wrap my arm. I wince when he wraps it, and he mutters an apology.

"Now, I thought we had a deal," Natasha says. "Stay close, check in, don't take any chances." I became curious not hearing of this deal.

"I'm sorry, we just wanted time," Wanda says.

"What deal?" I ask.

"When you were still at HQ and we were in Wakanda, we all made a deal to keep in touch in case things went bad. We didn't tell you in case the government figured it out and started tracking your stuff," Sam says.

"Smart," I say, though I'm hurt I wasn't informed.

"Where to Cap?" Pietro asks.

"Home," Steve says, and I knew that we were going back to New York, and things were definitely going to get complicated. I sigh, and sit down in the closet seat, having my head in my hands and Pietro goes and checks on Wanda.

Steve sits down next to me, and I couldn't resist saying, "I never thought I would see you in a beard, and I'm not hating it."

Steve chuckles and says, "I guess I didn't have time to shave." There was a moment of silence until he said, "how is working for the Accords?"

"Not good at all. The only reason I do is to make sure they don't find Pietro and Wanda, but I guess that's all going to change soon," I say.

"Sorry about that, but it's the only choice we have. Ross isn't going to be the happiest seeing all of us," Steve says, playing with his hands in his lap.

"He's going to have a bigger problem to deal with," I say. The rest of the ride we talked about what we were going to do, and new skills we got over the past two years. Like how I got a new skill with fighting with swords. I was bored one day the past year, and thought it would be fun. The thing is I left my swords in the apartment.

We eventually landed at headquarters, and I get ready for a long day.

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