A Tight Competition

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Ford, Hinata, Yuzuki, and Brad chat across the room at the Garden Grill. Except for these men, business was lax. The absence of nosy customers and women made the bar feel safe for the bachelors to speak as they please among themselves.

"Hey Brad, what kinda drinks you got in this town? I wanna try something new!" Hinata leans on the counter with a big smirk on his face.

"Drinking in the middle of the day can impair your motor functions and lower your productivity. I don't advise it." Ford adjusts his glasses then returns to eating. He was sitting at the nearest table finishing off his meal. His stately posture and unchanged composure added to the cut of his words.

"There's nothing wrong with that in my book! We got beer, whiskey, rum, and wine. Choose your poison." Brad counters to break the icy pause.

Hinata rubs his neck and shrugs. "It can't be that bad since I'm not working today. Plus, I'm treating myself. Moriya gave me a raise for my hard work."

Yuzuki's jaded expession lit up. He was sitting on the stool beside Hinata. "Congrats Hinata."

"Yeah! Congrats buddy!" Brad chimed. He pours Hinata a beer then wipes the counter.

"Congratulations." Ford states. Hinata soaks in all the praise like a sponge. He grins leaning back on the counter.

Yuzuki also takes a beer from Brad. He sips the foam, in no rush to drink it. "I'm surprised you didn't want to go to the Seaside Cafe, though. I know you like the views there better."

Brad snickers and smirks at Hinata. "Do you mean the sea or the twins?"

Hinata choked on his beer.

"I think its both..." Yuzuki answers nonchalantly.

Hinata coughs and clears his throat. His charming grin spreads like a confession of guilt. "I'm a red blooded man. It's only natural to seek the presence of beauty." He defended.

"Don't quote scripts to save yourself." Yuzuki deadpanned. Hinata snickers nervously. A teardrop appears over him.

Right when brad was about to say something, Wayne walks in and plops in the seat across Ford's table. His cheeks and nose were beet red and his face had a look of daydream. The guys eye him puzzled. Wayne usually is pretty chipper and talkative. For him to stroll in without greeting or looking at anyone was off putting to everyone.

Ford was the first to respond. "Wayne. You look ill. Is everything ok?"

"You don't look good at all." Brad wipes his hands and comes toward him. He claps a hand on the mailman's broad shoulder.

Wayne looks up at everyone then wipes both hands over his face. A light smile shows on his lips. This surprises everyone for a second time.

"Could you say something? You're face is bothering me." Yuzuki grimaces.

"I can't say.... But, let me ask this. Can a guy stay friends with a girl if he finds her attractive?" Wayne asks.

"......." There was a pause.

"Hmmm. I think it depends on how sexy they really are." Yuzuki states.

"Haha, hell no!" Hinata chimes in. He starts his second beer with a gulp.

"Heh, maybe. It'd be miserable to be so close to someone you can't touch." Brad adds.

Wayne takes off his hat and ruffles his sunny locks.

"The only opinion that matters is your's. Do you feel that the sexual attraction you have for this woman exceeds your commitment to maintaining a platonic relationship?"

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