Here's your mail...

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Wayne makes his early morning rounds delivering mail. Today was a beautiful day already. He hummed to the sound birds chirping along his path. He looks at the address on a bunch of letters from his bag. It's for Violet, the pretty farmer who moved here a few years ago. Everyone liked her. There was something about her that made it hard not to. And she was definitely easy on the eyes. Her mocha skin gave her a special glow in the sun. Her curves and plump assets are impossible to ignore. She's soft, sweet, and sexy. None of the bachelors could refute this fact, not even Ford.

Wayne strolled into Choco Farms. Her farm is beautiful and relaxing to see. Her hot spring by the house, the gardens, and fountains made this place look more like a resort than a farm. He looks around to see if she was outside. The coast was clear.

Maybe she's still asleep?

Wayne hums as he strolls to her mail box. He shuffles through his bag making sure to sort out all her mail. Her jungle themed mansion eclipsed some of his view of her spa bath. But it didn't really matter until he hears splashing in that direction.

Wayne stops looking through his bag to check for the noise but doesn't see anything. More splashing sounds puts him on alert. He stares cautiously at the steaming rock pond. A figure appears in the midst. His cobalt blue eyes widen. The figure becomes clear revealing Violet.

Violet was taking a morning soak she had submerged herself and come up to dry off. She didn't bring any clothes out assuming no one would be here this early to collect shipments or anything. All she wore was her underwear. She did bring a towel however.

She stands up dripping wet. Water from her hair blinds her vision. She wipes her face and pushes back her hair to see Wayne gawking at her with a red face.

Wayne's eyes travel up from her full thighs to her skimpy attire and wet hair. The way her skin glistened and dripped mesmerized him. His temperature shot up immediately. He just stood there looking like a statue.

Violet jumped and grabbed her towel. She wasn't necessarily embarrassed. She looks good and she's proud of her sculpted physique. But she wasn't comfortable with his presence considering no man has seen this much of her body before.

"Wayne! Quit staring!"

"S-Sorry! I didn't know you were out here. I would've knocked. I mean....said something know." He spun around and held his hat over his face.

Violet clutched her towel to her body. She stepped down from the bath. Wayne hears her approaching and tries to apologize.

"I didn't mean to walk in on you like that, honest. Sorry about that... the staring and all."

"Let's forget it! Please! Sorry I scared you." She chuckles. "I didn't know I'd get mail today." She stands in front of him to lift his hat from his face and smiles. Wayne returns a dashing grin full of embarrassment and looks down at his feet.

"You didn't scare me. Matter of fact, you look breath taking in the number you got on. I mean, not that I meant to stare. You're just a mighty fine woman is all. It's not hard to notice even when your covered head to toe." He flirts. He adjusts his hat regaining his composure. His eyes search her features.

The farmer blushed clutching her towel. "This is my underwear, Wayne."

"....heh. I noticed." He fights the smirk on his face.

Violet wiped the water from her face and stepped back in retreat. "Well...Imma get dressed. Excuse me. Thanks for my mail." She heads to her door.

"Yeah! Sorry for walking in on ya. Uhh...see you around, Violet."

With that, Violet disappears into her house. Wayne stood there dazed for a minute. He exhales deeply and readjusts his hat again. It's something he does when he's nervous. Wayne puts her mail in the box.

"What a way to start the day." He mumbles walking away. Her barely covered body filled his thoughts making him blush.

Wayne stuffs his hands in his pockets. He always liked Violet as a good friend. And it was fun to flirt with her. The way she clammed up was funny to him. There were feelings there, but he wanted to preserve the relationship they had. But, seeing her wet and half naked sparked a new feeling he didn't quite want to admit to. Could a guy and a gurl really be friends after this?

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