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"I'm sorry, Swiftpaw."

Brightpaw sighed, looking at her denmate's body. He was cleaned and groomed by Cinderpelt and Goldenflower, and his fur was sprinkled with lavender and mint to disguise the bloody scent.

Ashpaw limped up to Brightpaw, Fernpaw beside him. "He died a honorable death."

Longtail, Swiftpaw's mentor, bowed his head in grief. "He should have been made a warrior, then none of this would have happened." The pale cream tabby glared at Fireheart. The deputy winced.

Bramblekit and Tawnykit, Swiftpaw's half siblings, looked at the dead apprentice with a mixture of horrified amazement and terror, while their mother, Goldenflower, crouched beside her kits, her head bowed.

"Hey, Brightpaw." Cloudtail mewed, coming up behind her.

Brightpaw jumped. She narrowed her eyes at Cloudtail. A deep anger rose into her belly, but she did not know why.

"Are you okay, Brightpaw?" Cloudtail looked worried.

"No, I'm not!" Brightpaw snarled. "You caused this!"

Cloudtail recoiled as if Brightpaw had lashed out at him.

Maybe I had, Brightpaw thought. But she turned around and stormed into the apprentice's den.

She collapsed on her mossy nest, her chests heaving as if she had run a thousand fox-lengths. She squeezed her eyes shut.

Oh, StarClan, why did you do this?

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