Reunited Part 2: Bree and Bonzo

Start from the beginning

Bonzo pulled up the photo of them standing with her parents. Her father had his hand on Bonzo's shoulder and was smiling proudly. Her whole family had been so accepting, even her traditional grandparents, her Nona and Popi, had welcomed him with open arms. Bree smiled, everyone loved Bonzo.

Bonzo pointed to her father first. "Zaba. (Father)" Then to her mother. "Zaza. (Mother)"

Bree nodded in understanding, repeating the words. "Zaba and Zaza. Father and Mother?"

Bonzo smiled and nodded. "Za, Zaba et Zaza. (Yes, father and mother.)"

Bree watched as he scrolled over to the next photo. It was of her Nona and Popi laughing as Bonzo juggled the candy canes they were going to hang on the tree.

Bonzo pointed to her Popi first. "Graba. (Grandpa)" Then to her Nona. "Graza. (Grandma)"

Graza. Bree's eyes widened. Now she understood what he had been trying to tell her. "Graba and Graza, grandpa and grandma. That woman downstairs, that's your grandma?"

Bonzo nodded. "Ag Graza. Deh Zaza et ag Zaba. (My grandma. The mother of my father.)"

Bree sat quietly as she took in this new information. She realized she didn't know anything about Bonzo's family. He never talked about them.

"Bonzo?" Bree's voice was soft. "Where are your parents?"

Bonzo's body tensed at the question and the room became suffocatingly quiet. Bree slipped her hand into his and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

"If you don't want to tell me, its okay." Bree assured him. "I won't make you."

Bonzo opened the drawer on his night stand and produced a picture frame. He placed it in Bree's lap before pointing at the people in the photo. "Zaba, Zaza, et ag. (Dad, mom, and me.)"

Bree smiled as she studied the photo. Bonzo couldn't have been any older than four. He sat in his mother's lap with a big smile as his father stood beside them.

"You mother was beautiful." Bree complimented. "And you look just like your dad."

"Ag zo. (I know)" Bonzo replied, staring longingly at the photograph. "Ag greez zeg. (I miss them)"

"I'm sure you do." Bree replied. "I can't imagine not having my parents around."

"Ag grag zis. (I was six)" Bonzo admitted, taking the photo into into his own hands. "Ag grezerg Zaba zerk. Zrea grumans agzet. Agru graz zorch. Fire. (I heard dad yelling. There were humans outside. They had torches. Fire.)"

"What happened?" Bree asked quietly.

"Zaba drozig zu zozig agru zoff. (Dad tried to scare them off)" Bonzo explained. "Ag zozig agru, zu grut. Agru zreg deh zorch. Deh fire gred. (He did scare them, too much. They dropped the torch. The fire spread)"

"The house caught fire." Bree realized. "You and your mom were still inside."

Bonzo nodded. "Zaba grazu gret ag. Agru gret ag agzet. Agru zek agzu zret. Agruzek agru ro zazig grak. (Dad came to get me. He took me outside. He said to wait there. That he would be right back)"

Bree's heart dropped, she had a feeling she already knew what happened next. "They didn't make it out, did they?"

Bonzo shook his head. "Zon, agru gra'zon. Agruza goreez Graza gra'zon grezt grumans. (No, they didn't. That's why grandma doesn't trust humans)"

Bree pulled Bonzo into a hug. She felt awful that he had gone through that at such a young age. Bree thought back to the day Bucky and the Acey's had brought out the spirit sticks to scare the Zombies. She wondered if there had been more to his reaction than just a natural fear of fire that day.

"I'm so sorry Bonzo." Bree whispered.

Bonzo rested his head on top of her own as he hugged her back. "Ag gra'zon zongro agru, Breeska. Agru grag zu aziget. Ag zozig greezon. Gar agzek Graza, drozon grumans ig zongro. (I don't blame them, Bree. It was an accident. A joke gone bad. Like I told Grandma, not all humans are bad)"

"Is that what you whispered to her downstairs?" Bree asked.

"Za. (Yeah)" Bonzo nodded.

"Bonzka! (Bonzo!)" His grandma's voice called from downstairs. "Agru zree grog! (It's tea time!)

"Grazu! (Coming!)" Bonzo called back before turning to Bree. "Grazu gron agz? (Want to join us?)"

Bree wrung her hands nervously. "I don't think your grandma would want me to."

Bonzo took her hand, flashing her a warm smile. "Gret agru grog zet agru zag garziga greh guzo ag. (Give her time and she will love you as much as I do)"

Bree smiled. "Alright, let's go have tea then."

Bonzo pecked her lips before taking her hand and leading her downstairs for tea.

Author's Note

Here's part 2. Have a good weekend!


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