This is Love not just Lust

Start from the beginning

"Hooii, I couldn't control him. What should I do now." He thought himself and he had a best idea.

"Yes, only he can control Zee." He called the person after talking himself.

After 15 minutes...

"P', Jimmy. " the person Jimmy was expecting has arrived at the bar.

"Thank god Saint, I thought you wouldn't come." He got very happy when he saw Saint.

"Where is he?" Saint asked in concern.

"Come inside." He led him inside the bar.

"Hey don't touch me, go away." When the bouncers tried to calm Zee, he didn't listen to them.

"You are making trouble for everyone. Just get out from here." They couldn't control him so one of the bouncers pushed him to made him leave. But fortunately Saint caught him before he fell on the ground.

"P'. Are you ok?" Saint asked him worriedly.

"Saint! Saint is that you?" Zee asked with a drunken smile.

"What are you doing? He is a doctor not some bad news. How dare you treat him like this?" Saint scolded them furiously as he hold Zee.

"We really sorry for the inconvenience. But he is the one who caused the problem first. I am really sorry behalf of my men." The owner of the bar apologized Saint politely.

"P', let's go." He dragged Zee with him as he stared at them angrily.

After they came out of the bar Saint insisted that he took Zee with him. Because he didn't want to let Zee made troubles anymore. And Jimmy accepted and let him brought Zee with him. Then they made Zee sat on the front seat of Saint's car together. Because he was too heavy. As you already know he is a fitness freak. So his muscles must be a bit heavy.

Throughout the ride Zee was fell asleep. He was stinks by alcohol. So Saint covered his nose and mouth with a dust mask. And he often checked Zee worriedly if he's ok. But the other one slept like a dead body.

"P'Zee! Come on wake up. Get off of the car now." They were at the downstair of Saint's apartment. After he parked the car on parking lot he woke up Zee to bring him to his room.

"Hmmm..... I can't. I have to sleep. " Zee whined like a kid as he hugged his seat.

"P', this is not a bedroom. It's my car. Come on get off already. " Saint annoyed by his doctor's behaviour. So Saint pulled him from the seat.

"Ooiii, why are you cold with me?" Zee whined as he got off of the car. Then Saint grabbed his waist and put Zee's hand around his neck to dragged him. Saint made it until the lift. After they entered the lift Saint press the floor number and Zee hugged him by his shoulder.

"P'Zee, what are you doing?" He tried to untied Zee's hands from his shoulder but the doctor was strong, even he was drunk. So Saint gave up and let him sleep on his shoulder.

"Nong Saint! Are you angry at me?" He asked in drunken voice as he tilted his head a bit.

"No." Saint said coldly.

"You are lying. I know you are angry at me." He whined again as he pouted his face.

"If you know then why are you asking me?" He said again coldly as he looked at the lift door and Zee noticed that.

"Who are you talking with? There is no one. Look at me." He said as he looked at the door. It wasn't clear so he narrowed his eyes and looked the door again. And he turned Saint's face to his side with his hand.

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