Chapter 6

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Iruma regained consciousness and all the memories Y/n gained in his form -except the voice she heard- they also swapped places as he gave his own answer and later told everyone else about his wish to climb the ranks. Asmodeus took this as "I want to get the highest rank and rule over all!"

Asmodeus said this loudly to all the student in his own way shocking Iruma and making Clara -who was asleep on Y/n's back- excited, Y/n didn't think anything of it.

She was only trying to figure out what Iruma was. 'Iruma's amd Sullivan's scents aren't similar at all, Iruma's smells like a parfum and sweets also gluttony while Sullivan's smelt like kindness and strenght.

So Asmodeus tried training him the normal way Clara and Y/n coming along and helping out. The rest of the class also joined in showing Iruma how this ranking test would actually go.

Y/n kept shielding herself and attacking Iruma with her barrier magic as she tried to figure out what Iruma's specie was.

She touched Iruma's back as Asmodeus spoke to him and muttered softly to herself "no bones for you're wings ..."

She patted Iruma's head, Iruma was flustered and confused "there are no bones for his horns or anything else on his head..."

She walked off her tail dragging behind her, Y/n then deciding to hide it under her skin like she always does like it's second nature.

She wrote such stuff down, "Iruma does not know a lot of information of the netherworld. He could have been shielded his entire life but he would have had to know his own grandpa was a high ranked demon."

Those days passed by quickly, she cheered on Iruma's training with everyone else as he learned how to catch a a ball.

On the last day of his training he managed to catch the ball Iruma, Azz, Clara and Y/n fell asleep at a tree.

I made this quickly because I don't post for six days...
I'm sorry I had school eight test and two week any schedule was full for a long time.

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