Chapter 2

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Asmodeus told us about Clara's reputation. 'So early on and she's already gained a reputation... interesting...' I thought smiling while looking at her calmly.

I jumped away from the rest of my group as the teacher that had appeared to stop Clara but failed, so they sent those two of with Clara to stop her instead.

"Oh yeah, You forgot you're textbooks." said the teacher and sent them after the rest. I stared confused at the scene next to the teacher. And started to walk in their direction but before I could go far off.

My "kind" cousin pulled me off for student council duty "no I could have met another weird person~" I complained. "You're duties as a student council member are much more important!" She yelled back as she dragged me off.

After my rant as we went towards the place the rest of the student council were waiting for us. I regained my composure and got out of her grip deciding to walk next to her.

-time skip-

After two hours of tor-student council work I came back to the rest to hear three students "do you have new owners Clara?" I grabbed the guy's shoulder and smiled wickedly towards him, he turned to yell at me until he realised who I was and gained a chill up his spine.

"I will burn you alive unless you repent for all you're ways..." he was confused and so was Clara "tricking a student into using their magic and breaking the rules of the school for you're own fun and happiness is horrible."

It seemed to hit Clara in the heart as a shadow over casted her eyes. I started to burn his shoulder with my blue fire "now get down...doggie."

"W-what..?" He stuttered "speak" I said, he seemed even more confused, I kicked him into the field, grabbed one of the signs Clara had created with  the word dog on it and then swung it over his neck. I sat down on him and sat "be a good doggie now!" I yelled "and speak!"

He started to bark like a dog causing Clara to laugh, his two other friends started to try and walk off "where are you going cat and fish?" I asked the two now beside my "Clara could you please make a fish sign?"

She nodded and made the sign. I put a fish over the left lackey and the cat over the right lackey. I teleported disgusting food for the cat and dog "eat up!" I yelled loudly they shivered as they stared at the food which still seemed alive.

"Be grateful." I got off the dog and asked "what would you like to do Clara?"

"Play more!" She said excited.

I smiled and said wickedly "then let's play~"

For entire hour we played multiple games, the boys running for their lives as a book with sharp teeth chased them around this time trying to cause them harm.

At the end they all apologised profusely to Clara, she summoned a vending machine which crushed the dog, she then said "you can drink all you want, just give it some money"

I started to laugh as I transported them to the the student council office. With a letter attached to the vending machine of what happened.

We all laughed for some time, out of nowhere a slime bomb with giggly eyes got thrown towards Asmodeus, I laughed and then got hit with one myself. Weirdly enough it didn't stick to my hair, it let go easily so I took it off my head and threw it towards Iruma.

He easily evaded "Booh~" I said sadly as it landed on the grass, even so I had to stand up when Clara started to chase the three of us with the slime bombs.

-the next day-

"Hey Iruma." I said calmly as he came out of the place he was hiding, Asmodeus bowed while Clara danced around Asmodeus out of boredom. I was floating above everyone else as Iruma stared at my wings astonished.

I made wings retreat into my back as we walked to school from Iruma's house. As we walked Iruma seemed very nervous "you okay Iruma-kun?" I asked he nodded quickly and looked away "weird..." I muttered confused

We decided to go get lunch, I quickly took my food and sat down across from Iruma, Clara sta down next to me claiming the seat next to me as hers. Just then fiver portions were placed on our table.

Asmodeus was about to complain but Iruma the glutton ate all the food and kept asking for seconds. Breaking the chef "damn you glutton." I said while staring at Iruma.

Clara has disappeared from my side, and was being restrained my the owner of the merchandise shop. Kalego-sensei appeared, look3: at the our group and got angry "it's the quarter..." he muttered annoyed.

Clara annoyed him even more by being her loud and brash self which I love. She spoke quickly and then asked Iruma to take a summoning circle. He placed it on his hand and said the chanting words turning Kalego-sensei into his familiar form.

I cancelled it and took the sticker of off Iruma, I then payed the store keeper as the rest ran off. "I'm sorry sensei." I said while bowing and then ran off into their direction

"Oh no we left Y/n-san!" I could hear Iruma yell "don't worry I'm not dead" I said as I flew above of them, I landed and made my wings retreat back into my back.

Clara then pulled out four ice creams. "I found four of these on the floor. Let's share" Iruma was worried about the stealing part but took an ice cream anyway, causing Asmodeus to take eone himself

I took one as well, We then hoped to get into the same class. Iruma asked embarrassed "s-do can I call you three... my friends!"

I blinked twice confused and then asked "what's a vrend again, I now were acquaintances?"

Iruma shook his head and corrected me "it's called a friend not vrend."

I blinked twice and said "don't hear a different" I then started to repeat the word changing it up a little after every repeat "frend, vrend, vriend, vren, fren"

'None of them were correct.' Thought Iruma, Asmodeus then asked the important question which was an explanation to the word friend.

Iruma explained the word with little embarrassment and labelled us as friend one, friend two and friend three.

"So I'm two." I stated immediately "and one of you two is one while the other is three, right?" I asked Clara then argued about which was the number one friend. Iruma didn't now how to calm them so I just shut him up by bitting into mg ice cream too Iruma's shock.

(A/n: I do this as well I found out three months ago that it isn't normal when my sister and cousin called it illegal.)

"I wonder how our classes will be?" I asked myself and took another bite out of my ice cream.

To be continued...

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