He let go of my shoulder, sending a quick wink towards me, and turning around to welcome another kid.
I let out deep breath I didn't know I was holding and, with a stupid smile on my face and a feeling of relief, I quickly returned to my car.


After hours of reading, correcting, rereading, writing and searching for loopholes in many many contracts, my head was exploding.

Without even looking at the clock, I decided it was time for me to take my lunch break.
I poured myself a glass of water and swallowed a pill for my headache.

It had been a killing morning, three contracts for big businesses, one divorce of wealthy people and a few yells from a secretary.

Above all that, my work phone just kept buzzing and I still needed to stay two more extra hours to start working on that Pro Bono case with my boss.

So, when I started feeling a little better, I reached out for my phone, to at least reply some of the emails and calls I had been ignoring all morning.
Though, it wasn't my work phone the one that was ringing in that moment.

It was my personal one.

Three texts from Harry.

Louis, I know you're at work.
I'm so sorry to bother you.

But there's something I believe you need to know.

It's about Freddie. Can you maybe come over to the daycare before the end of the day?

Of course, Harry. I'll try and be there.
Is this an emergency?

Nothing happened to Freddie. He's okay.
It's just something that he did today.
I believe you need to see it, and maybe we could talk about it?

Alright. He's not injured, right?

No, he's completely okay.

Good. I'll see you in a bit, then.

Thank you.

I had no idea what Harry wanted, but I wasn't going to miss it, not if he sounded so concerned about whatever it was.
And even less if it involved Freddie.

So, excusing myself with my boss and promising I'd be back for our meeting after hours, I practically flew out of the building and made my way to the daycare.

I knew Brianna was picking Freddie up, just like every other day, so it didn't worry me when I got there and all the kids were already gone.

Harry, with his usual bright smile, was resting by the door, talking relaxedly with another teacher.
But, when he saw me getting closer, he quickly said his goodbyes and turned entirely to face me, holding the door open.

"Louis, Thank you for coming today. I was really sorry for telling you to come here with such short notice."

"It's quite alright, Harry. No problem."

"Okay, we'll talk in the classroom, is that okay? There's something I need to show you."

"Yeah, that's fine." - I shrugged, passing by him and then he closed the entrance door behind us.

Walking ahead of me, he led the way towards the classroom with that blue door I was so used to see nowadays.

"So, Louis. I didn't want to worry you." - He started, taking seat on his chair behind the desk. I slowly sat down on the chair in front of him. - "But I really needed to ask you if something had happened at home with Freddie."

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