Chapter Twenty (Part 2): Solus

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Here we are - Part 2! This bit is also rushed and it's not amazingly written, but I kinda felt more pressure to get it out there as it was part 2 of the same chapter. There was originally more to this chapter (a whole 1000 words more!) but I cut it all and will add the essentials into the next chapter. It's Darcie & Bash from here on out!

(Pictured - Kiza)

(C)Copyright SJCLewis


Oh god..!

With a panicked gasp of near hysteria, Darcie faced forwards again. Feet squelching in her now-puddle-soaked boots, she raced up the hill and across the road, one hand clamped tightly around Tito's phone, the other scrabbling desperately around the bottom of her bag for her keys.

"Please..." she whispered, her voice cracking with terrified desperation as she reached 153's peeling front gate. "Fuck, fuck, fuck...!"

Her hands closed around cold metal as she sprinted down the garden path, and her stomach gave a sickening lurch of adrenaline. "Yes...!" 

Nearly throwing herself at the front door, she jabbed the key into the lock, her hands shaking uncontrollably as she chanced another glance behind her; The street behind was completely empty. Heart hammering in her chest, she pushed the door open with her shoulder and, facing forwards again, stumbled inside.

She was just over the threshold when she felt cold fingers close in a fist in her hair. Sharp nails scraped her scalp and she let out a strangled cry as she was yanked bodily out of the door again, her bag and Tito's phone falling to the ground with a clatter. Pain flared across her shoulders as the hand in her hair pulled her head roughly back, and she felt a scream stick in her throat as the wasted, pallid face of the broad-shouldered woman bent over her own.  

"Hey now, don't worry." she barked into Darcie's face, bearing the brown stumps of her teeth in a grin. "We'll give you over to the highest bidder. Someone fancy, I'm sure. Lots of money. You'll be living in the lap of luxury in no time!"

Her eyes were pools of black in her wide face. Her breath was stale with the smell of cigarettes, and from this distance, Darcie could clearly see the blisters clustered at the corners of her mouth. The too-cold fingers tightened in her hair, and Darcie yelped with pain and fear... And rage. 

Without really knowing what she was doing, she reached back and grasped the thick wrist at her skull. Digging her nails into the cold flesh with as much strength as she could muster, she attempted to twist away, blindly aiming a kick in the direction of where she thought the woman's legs would be. Her intent was strong, but her foot met only air and she flailed pathetically; The hand in her hair remained tight-fisted against her scalp. 

"How sweet..!"

With a derisive laugh, the woman kicked hard at the backs of Darcie's knees, knocking the weight out from underneath her, and Darcie let out another cry of pain as her legs gave way and she sagged towards the ground. She was held upright for a split second - dangling like some obscene puppet by the unrelenting grip in her hair - before the woman laughed again and released her. Darcie fell hard onto her hip on the concrete path and she yelped as she threw out her hands to steady herself, palms scraping brutally across the paving stones.

She was beginning to cry now, and her breaths came in great, panicked snatches of air. Heart thumping wildly in her chest, she peered up through a tangle of hair at the woman looming over her; The broken teeth were posed in a greedy leer, her black eyes triumphant as she stared down at her.

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