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My name is Rebecca Alora McCarty Cullen and I'm a vampire. Surprise. I've been this way for seventy three years. My older brother and only blood brother is Emmett.
When I was sixteen Emmett went on a hunting trip...

*Flashback* 1935

"Gonna snag me a grizzly, brother bear?" I asked craning my neck to see his face. "You know it baby bear!" He said excitedly.
Sometimes I believe Emmett never grew up, he's an eight year old trapped in a twenty year olds body.
"Be carful Emmie please, one day your gonna get it from those grizzly's." I said, my mouth twisted with worry.
"You know me careful is my middle name!" He said, "Coming from the boy who tried to sneak up on me and instead tripped over his own feet and fell flat on his face?" I said.
"I thought we agreed not to mention that." , "Sure." I replied.
He slung his duffle bag around his back and lifted me from the ground hugging me tightly. I gasped for air, "Emmie I love you but your killing me!" , "Oh! Sorry baby sis." He said and gently set me down. He pecked my forehead and moved a loose curl away from my face.
"Don't do anything stupid until I get back." He muttered. "How can I?Your taking all the stupid with you!" I joked. He laughed and turned ready to leave as he laced up his boots.
The doorbell rang and I quickly answered it. Emmett's closest friend Mikey was here to take him hunting. "Hey Becky!" He said giving me a large grin. I smiled politely back and called to Emmett, "Doofus number one doofus number two is here!" I heard a chuckle and looked back to Mikey.
"So doll face I was wonder in' if after this trip you'll let me take you on a date finally." , "Ew! Gross Mikey your twenty that's illegal! Plus Emmett would kill you." I reminded him.
He laughed, "I'm just joking hun your too easy." He laughed. I rolled my eyes and said, "Get a move on before I report you for assault you doof." I said. He laughed again then stepped off the porch.
Emmett came running up and hugged me once more, "I'll miss you." He said, "Stay safe." I replied and he nodded with his huge grin. Then he left. I didn't know that would be the last time I saw him.

A week passed, that's normal. Then two, I hope he's okay. And three, something's not right. A month, where'd my big brother go.

That's when I got the news. Down in wraithmarsh woods was a few guns, ripped clothing, and blood splatters on a large rock. That's all that was left of my big brother bear.

Or so I thought...

*Fast forward*

After the news of Emmett's death everything went to hell. I was a mess for years and dad had started drinking again, we went deep into debt and almost lost our home. And to make things worse the Second World War and begun.
This is where the second part of my life begins. I had disguised myself as a man and passed the physical exam by having a friend on the inside. And I enlisted. I was a soldier.
Two years into the war I was great at what I did, best soldier on the front, until I made the wrong call and was shot in my lungs.
I was laying on the battlefield with gunfire all around me, my fellow men falling every second like flies until it was silent. The sky was smoky from firearms but behind It was the night sky.
There was a certain beauty to my death, I felt like I was meant to be there, this was my purpose serve and sacrifice for those who can't. But then the stars were blocked from my view and replaced with a pair of ruby red eyes.
The person said nothing only stared down at me as if questioning why I was there. "A woman?" He muttered and I sputtered in shock, and mostly from the blood beginning to pool in my mouth.
He stiffened and smelled the air then out of no where lunged and buried his teeth in my neck. A blood curdling scream ripped through the quiet and the calm feeling was replaced with burning as I weakly tried to push the stranger away.
He continued drinking from my neck until a force smacked into him sending him flying. The burn started spreading from my neck, slowly, I could feel it, inching it's way down my shoulder.
Another man appeared, he had blonde hair and golden eyes. "A-am I dead yet?" I coughed out. "No dear your not dead."he said, "I must be because your god." I said.
He gave a sad smile. A man with bronze hair flashed next to "god". He must have been the one to help me. He was stiff and it didn't look like he was breathing. "I'm a doctor here were going to help you ...James?" He questioned my name.
"T-that's my cover n-name. I'm B-Becky McCarty." I said. Something flashed through his eyes to quickly to read. He bent down and scooped me up into his arms and stood as I screamed from pain.
He whispered a sorry and suddenly the air was whipping around my face as if we were moving at an incredible speed, which I'm sure we weren't considering how close to death I was, anything was believable.
When the air settled I found myself on a cotton bed surround by a woman pinching her nose, the "god", the bronze haired boy, a blonde angel and - and Emmett.
He looked stiff and wasn't breathing either. "Emmie? Oh I really am dead, why does heaven hurt so much?!" I groaned as the burning started heading to my legs.
The woman who was pinching her nose had stopped and was breathing. "Esme?" The bronze boy asked. "I-I'm fine Edward." She said. She came next to me and removed my helmet. My usual bun had fallen out sending curls down my shoulders.
She stroked my hand and gave me soft motherly smiles. I felt my muddy combat boots being removed as the burn finally spread through to my feet. I groaned and felt myself loosing conscious as the pain suddenly flared to new heights.
I screamed in pain and heard Esme hushing me and smoothing my hair away from my head. And finally everything had gone black leaving me in the dark and pained.

Part II ~

People say that life is hard and death is peaceful. But today had made it seem otherwise. The battlefield had seemed better than this. This eternal burning.
Was I in hell? What did I do? Beside cutting off Connie Pedalton's pigtails in the third grade for her calling me a no good, poor, hick.
A slight change. It was small but it was there. A tingly cool chill in my toes. A soft stroke of cold over the bullet wound in my lungs. Was it over? Or was it preparing me for something much, much worse.
It felt like hours I had endured the forever burning heat and now the chill was welcoming. I hated the heat and was craving for the cold.
More hours. Chills sweeping through me until my body was cold all except for my chest. That one point. My heart was inflamed worse than before casing my back to arch at the feeling. The burning intensified, by heart rapidly pumping trying to fight off the heat until I heard it.
The last beat. A final thump in my chest. It was gone, I should be gone. But I wasn't. "Is she gonna be alright?" I heard. Emmie. "The venom looks to have spread, look at the difference in her." The "god" said. "Why isn't she waking up Carlisle?" Emmie asked. "Maybe she needs a reason." Esme suggested.
I heard a shift in the spot behind me. "C'mon baby sis. I'm sorry I left you I'm so so sorry, I'll never leave again if you please just wake up." He muttered and placed his hand in mine.
My eyes flashed open. And wow. I could see everything, every dust particle floating through the air, the beams of light flittering through the windows. I could even here the chirping of birds from the woods and breathing of people in the room. But no heartbeats.
"Emmett?" I questioned seeing him for the first time in years. He wrapped me tightly in a hug and small feral growl escaped from my throat at the sudden action. "Woah baby bear has some bite now." He chuckled and I laughed.
"Emmett who are these people?" I asked uncomfortably. "Oh. This is my I mean our family." He said. "This is Carlisle, Esme, Edward, and my beautiful wife Rose." He said.
I turned to him and slapped the back of his head harshly. "What was that for!" He yelled as his head snapped sharply forward.
"For getting married and not having me there! And your the one telling ME not to do anything stupid!" I yelled while the family laughed.
I stood and accidentally flashed across the room. I sighed and carefully walked to Rose. "I'm sorry I didn't get to meet you sooner, I'm Rebecca but you can call me Becky." I said with a small smile as she shook my hand.
"Emmett has told me much about you, I'm surprised your a soldier though it's hard to get in." She said. "I know people." I answered. "Ha you did something stupid to!" Emmett yelled. "Since when was marrying me stupid?" Rose questioned. Emmett started stuttering trying to explain.
"I understand, your not allowed in our bedroom for a month." Rose answered leaving him opened mouthed. "I think we'll be great friends." I laughed but stopped when a harsh burn crept up through my throat. I gasped and clawed desperately at it.
"Well baby sis it's time I teach you how to snag a grizzly for yourself." Emmett said.

And that's how it all started.

I have been with the Cullen's for seventy three years now, a few years after my change Alice and Jasper joined and I learned of my ability. I'm a sponge. Yep. Sponge. I can have or "absorb" any ability I want.
I learned that Jasper was also in the army which makes us very close. I've excepted Carlisle and Esme as my parents since then and the others as my brothers and sisters.
And so many things have occurred since then. Like Bella who has set off a chain of reactions positive and negative through are lives starting from her being hunted by the tracker James to Jasper almost killing her when she got a paper cut making Edward force us to leave saying we didn't care for her, her cliff diving making Edward and Alice think she killed herself. Which lead to Edward going to the Volturi the law makers of our kind. (Don't expose your self etc)
He tried to die, he couldn't live with out Bella, his La Tua Cantante, blood singer and sole mate.
Then Bella being hunted by Victoria, James's mate who was seeking revenge over his death. (We killed him alice and I ripped his head off in a spur of the moment sort of thing) with an army of newborn vampires. So this is all pretty depressing right?
Here happy, Edward proposed to Bella and they got married which I happily attended as bridesmaid. But this only made things sad for me. I don't have a mate like the others. I'm utterly alone. I've begun to believe my mate isn't out there, doesn't exist.
I'm sorry to depress everyone moving on! Bella and I have gotten really close over the past year. Yes this all happened in one year. I've helped her with charlie and Jacob when she doesn't know what to do.
I toned Alice down on the wedding and made it more simple, which Alice and I saw in the future anyways.
Bella and I could really be sisters. Everyone assumes so anyways. But this is where the bad strikes in our fairy tail. Bella is pregnant. With a hybrid baby and is killing her I - I don't know what to do. (VOTE TIME SO CONTINUE the story from the end of part one or go straight to breaking dawn part two LET ME KNOW IN THE COMMENTS BELOW!!!! I will be updating Friday or Saturday))

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