Chapter 17 - Catatonic Dreams

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"Will he be okay?" Laura Hale asked the doctor.

"Well he's in a coma. Normally at this point burn victims would have woken up and we then put them into an induced coma to help with the pain, but he isn't coming to on his own. In all honesty I don't know how he survived. There has been nothing wrong with his vitals, he should be awake."

"But he will be okay?" Laura asked again, getting annoyed with the doctor's long responses. All they wanted was a yes or a no.

"With burns this severe, it's much too soon to tell." He responded.

"Well, can we see him?" Derek Hale asked this time, trying to hold back his annoyed bitter tone.

It had been 48 hours since the fire and the two orphans hadn't had time to grieve. They went from the burning remains of their house to the hospital to the police station and now they were back at the hospital. They were using every ounce of energy they had on Peter.

"I don't see why not. Follow me." The doctor led them to Peter's room before leaving, giving them some privacy with their uncle.

"I wonder what he's thinking." Laura whispered as they looked down on Peter Hale's half bandaged face and fully bandaged body. He had only been burnt on one side, but they had wrapped him up completely.

"I don't know." Derek whispered back.

They spoke, keeping their voices low, as if raising them would wake him.


I woke up to Selene kicking me in my shin and thrashing around. She seemed to be mumbling something I couldn't understand, but it was clear she was having a nightmare.

"Selene." I gently shook her shoulder, but she didn't wake. "Selene." She kicked me again this time harder than before. "Selene, wake up!" She finally woke up, jumping out of bed and scrambling backwards until her back hit the wall. "Whoa, calm down, its okay. It was just a dream." I said, trying to calm her down.

"I have to go." She managed to say quietly before quickly getting changed into her jeans and one of my shirts.

"Wait, what?"

"I'll see you tomorrow." She gave me a quick kiss and then left.

"Selene!" I yelled, but in a whisper, trying not to wake all the other eavesdropping werewolves in the house.

I got changed and quickly followed her out. I thought my legs were going to fall off from how fast I was running; of course she had to be a led footed driver. When I thought I couldn't keep it up for any longer she pulled up outside an apartment building. I contemplated following her when she ran upstairs, but thought I might wait for a little first, but within ten minutes she was back down. She'd changed clothes into all black and was caring a duffle bag. I didn't know what she was doing, but it didn't seem right. I got closer and saw her pull a gun out of her belt before she got in her car and drove off.

'A gun? What the hell was she doing with a gun? I didn't know she could even shoot. Since when did she wear all black? I mean I've seen the combat boots before, they're probably her favourite things, but just then she looked like... no. There has to be another reason for this. She may just secretly like shooting... things...'

Instead of following I went upstairs to the apartment. It wasn't hard to find or get in to as it wasn't a very expensive apartment building and all I had to do was walk through the main door and follow her scent to the right apartment. She didn't lock the door which I found odd for someone who even locks the main door to my house when she knows there's five other people still inside.

Burnt (Teen Wolf) Peter HaleTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang