A case

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This is a case so It handles things like death- if you are able to handle criminal minds you should be okay.

Also HAPPY THANKSGIVING, I hope you all have a safe and happy holiday


Walking into the house the first thing I noticed was the smell, not the smell you would think of like old blood. No the smell of death, wrongful death. I always knew that doing this as a job would be hard. But nobody prepares you for what happens when you walk into that crime scene.

"Hi, I'm Dr. Spencer Reid and this is one of my students Maya, we're here to take another look at the crime scene" Spencer said in a sturdy voice

The police officer looked at me and then back at Spencer and nodded as he stated making his way down a hallway. Spencer must have noticed that I was stiff because he quickly put his hand on the small of my back and gave me an encouraging smile. You would think the years of school and training would prepare you but nothing prepared me for what I was about to see. Walking into the master bedroom I quickly surveyed my surroundings. It was a fairly good sized bedroom with the centerpiece of the room being the bed. But the blood covering the walls and sheets distracted me from thinking about how nicely decorated the room was. I quickly noticed the lack of blood on one side of the bed. Looking at the nightstands I could tell that the male victims side of the bed was the side covered in blood. The females side of the bed was still covered in blood but there was an obvious difference in the amount of blood that covered the males side of the bed. Looking around the room my eyes were drawn to the nightstand on the other side of the bed. If it weren't covered in blood it would be like any other bedside table. This side was the female victims nightstand but I noticed that right behind the lamp there was an oval shaped spot that was missing blood. It was in the shape of a ring, a ring that had been there when the blood splattered on the nightstand. I quickly walked over to the nightstand and moved it to look behind it. I ignored the grunt that the police officer gave me and continued to look for the ring. When I had finished looking behind the nightstand I quickly got down on my hands and knees and started to look under the bed for the ring.

"Uh- Maya" Spencer said as he walked out of the master bathroom "What are you looking for"

"Look-" I said as I pointed to the nightstand "There was a ring there when the blood splattered on the table. But now its gone- I think the unsub might have taken it"

Looking back up I met eyes with a very shocked police officer. Ignoring the stares I quickly turned back to Spencer who was now also on his hands and knees searching for the ring. Our search party was interrupted by Spencer's phone ringing. Without even getting up he answered his phone. After a few 'mhmm' and 'okays' Spencer stood up offering his hand to me. I put my hand in his and pulled myself up. He must have seen the confused look on my face because he answered my question before I could even ask.

"It was Emily" I nodded "There has been another murder and we are the closest. Also you were right, the unsub is taking their wedding rings"


As we walked into the house of the new victims Spencer stopped me. His eyes were filled with concern as he asked "Hey, you can back out now" he paused "there are real bodies in here, real victims are you sure your ready"

Looking back I quickly reached up and put my arms around his neck, he quickly reacted by wrapping his arms around me.

"Yes, Spencer. I'm sure, I'll be fine"

I quickly followed behind Spencer into the house and up to the Master bedroom. Taking a look around I immediately noticed the obvious overkill on the male. From what I could see this unsub stabbed this guy at least 30 times. But the female victim was tucked in like she was asleep.

"This unsubs a woman" I said and looked at Spencer who now seemed puzzled. "Think about it, the only wedding rings that have been taken are the wifes wedding rings. Also she was only stabbed once- and it killed her instantly. This unsub knows how to kill someone in one stab, so why would they stab someone 30 times if they can do it in one. Also the women still have all of their clothes on, they are dressed and positioned like they are asleep. There is also no signs of sexual assault. Can you call Garcia I have a couple questions I need to ask her"

Spencer quickly pulled out his phone and dialed Garcia's number

"The queen of all knowledge, what can I do for you"

"Hey Garcia its Maya I have a couple things I need you to narrow down for me"

"All right sweets- Hit me"

"Alright so we know this unsubs a woman, now find all the people who have gotten a divorce in the last two months."

"Sugar that's still half of the city, I need more"

"Narrow that down to people in their mid-thirties, check to see if any of them lost a custody battle to the husband."

"Oh- that narrowed it down to 100"

"Okay now any of those people lost everything to the husband"

"That would be 25"

"Okay now did any of those 25 pawn their wedding ring"

"Yes! Oh my you are really a mini-reid. Yes one Jennifer Garner, she lost everything to a divorce with her husband two months ago. She was left with nothing so she had to pawn her wedding ring in order to pay for a lawyer in the custody battle which... she sadly lost"

"When was the triall Garcia" Spencer chimed in

"The same day the killings started"

"Ok Garcia can you se-" Penolope cut off Spencer

"You have been working with me for how long and you still bother to ask that, I already sent it to everyone. Everyone is with Emily and they are already heading to the address. Alright my lovelies, PG out"

Spencer put away his phone and looked at me "I don't know if I should pass you in my class or have you teach my class"

"You could do both" I giggled

As we were walking out to the car I could feel that Spencer wanted to say something. He opened the passenger door and then quickly ran around to get into the driver's seat.

"Hey Maya"


"Are you okay, and I don't want to hear that 'I'm fine' because I know you're not. I'm here for you, if you need anything seriously don't be afraid to tell me I'm here for you"

"Honestly Spence I don't know if I'm okay but I promise that I will come to you if Im not"

"Okay, just know that I'm here for you" he said as he started the car and pulled down the street "Also I like when you call me Spence" 

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