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Sorry I haven't updated in so long. Good lord when they said that all Sophomores are depressed they weren't kidding. 


"How was the flight" I asked grabbing the coffee off the cafe counter

"It went much better than I expected, Definitely because this was so last minute" Lila said as she took her coffee from my hands. 

We made our way over to the table in the corner of the cafe. This year we didn't think that Lila was going to be able to make it down due to her film schedule. But luckily she got the weekend off to come to Virginia to catch up with us. Lila and I have always been close, my parents even named me after her. Maya Archer Jones. 

"So hows the tenth Phd going?" I chuckled 

"Its going really good. I have the best professor and I have been learning so much from him" 

"Thats really nice Maya, I really miss hanging out with you more often."

Lilas tone had changed, and she crossed her arms across her chest

"Lila what's wrong" I questioned

"Okay- so I don't really know how to tell you-" she began rambling "so I think your old enough and I talked to your parents and we believe that its time for you to know" 

"Lila your worrying me, what's going on" I looked up to see tears forming in her eyes

"So basically when I was younger I got pregnant and my manager said that being a mother would not be good for the public eye. So he made me give the baby up and your parents took the baby in." 

"Lila- what are you getting at"

"Maya Im your mom" 

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