Chapter 36 Elanie and Seraphina/Searching for answers

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*Seraphina's Room, Morning*
'John, Mia and Oliva were the Jokers all along. How come I couldn't see that?' Seraphina looks at her hand. 'If only I had my ability. I could've stopped them. I could've fought along side with the other royals.'


Seraphina gets up from her bed. 'John never sounded that worried when I was with him.'


'Nor did Oliva.' Seraphina looks at her pillow.

'I'm sorry' remembering Mia's voice before she shed a tear of sadness.

Seraphina grabs her pillow and throws it down to the floor. 'Dammit John! WHY didn't you say anything to me? Why hide all this? Is this what Oliva was trying to tell me in those words? I thought you trusted me. I thought Mia and Oliva trusted me. We were happy hanging out together. Was it all a lie?' as she clenches her first.

'I am Alchemy. To help achieve.. my master's goal and to help others achieve their true potential, such as he has. As we are members of GRASS.'

'What is GRASS? I thought EMBER was the only threat out there?' Seraphina thinks.

'The authorities found a member of EMBER dead with a grass symbol in Louven. It is claim that GRASS is here at Wellston.'

'So this "GRASS" is not only dangerous but also against EMBER. What is going on?' Seraphina thinks as she lays back onto her bed.

"Come in!" Seraphina says.

Elanie opens the door. "Hey Seraphina. Are you okay?" she asks.

"No, I'm not." Seraphina replies.

"Why? Is there something wrong?" Elanie asks.

"I've been thinking a lot. Everything was a lie to me." Seraphina replies.

Elanie stays silent.

"You know, I looked up to John because how confident he was. How he would always do what he wants. Never be scared and doesn't care what others think. I thought we were in this together. But now, that was never the case. He had an ability this whole time and never told me. Nor did Mia and Oliva." Seraphina responds with sadness.

"I-I could've told you anytime." Elanie says.

Seraphina gets up and looks at Elanie with a bit of anger. "Why didn't you?"

"Because he threaten to keep my mouth shut." Elanie states.

Seraphina looks surprised.

"Nobody wants to make an enemy out of him. He's more dangerous than you think. Even Arlo has been following his orders for some time. Oliva and Mia just kept us in check so that the rest of us didn't spill." Elanie says.

"I..." Seraphina trails off.

"But it's still scary. Even after John, Oliva and Mia took down all the royals. Two mysterious people showed up and took them down without much trouble. What's more, three people in masks and cloaks appeared and killed them in front of us. It's too much to handle. Then more people in masks appear and take down the other people in masks. It just shows how all of us are powerless from the outside world." Elanie says with a bit of fear.

Seraphina stays silent. She remembers how another person in a mask and black cloak pushed John like he was nothing.

"Do you know anything about GRASS that those two mysterious people mentioned?" Seraphina asks.

"Uhh no. I can look it up if you want." Elanie says.

"Yeah. That would be nice. Come on." Seraphina says as she gets off the bed.

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