Chapter 3 Invitation

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After the invisible person got kicked away, the four head back to John's place. John asks Seraphina to stay for the night. Oliva and Mia didn't mine as well. Seraphina gives in after a few begs later.(lol)

Morning comes around, after having breakfast, Seraphina decides to leave after John snaps. Oliva calms John down. Seraphina decides to give John some space. Mia decided to go with Seraphina to see the school, which she didn't mind.

*Wellston Girls Dormitories*

Seraphina and Mia enter the room.

"Seraphina!" the blue hair girl yells. "Where were you last night? Why didn't you answer any of my texts? the blue hair girl says. "I was worried sick for you!"

Mia just rolls her eyes. Annoyed by the girl.

"Were you hanging out with that loser cripple again?!" the blunette asks.

Mia clenches her fist. 'No one talks about my brother like that!'

"I DON'T GET WHY YOU'RE-" the blue hair girl gets cut off by Mia, as she gets slammed to the wall.

"Don't you dare speak about my brother like that bitch!" Mia looked furious.

"Elaine." Seraphina calls.

'Who is this girl? And why is she with Seraphina?' Elaine thinks as she looks worried.

"I've told you, what I do is none of your business. Besides this girl you may be wondering is his sister. Believe me, you don't want her to get mad. Come on Mia." Seraphina walks away.

Mia gives a glare at Elaine before letting her go. She follows Seraphina to her room.

"Ugh! Is she that annoying?" Mia sighs.

"You'll get use to it" Seraphina says.

*A little time passes*

Seraphina looks at the book.

"Mia, you read this book?" Seraphina asks while looking concerned.

"Oh yeah. It's alright." Mia smiles.

A knock is heard. Seraphina hides the book in her bag before answering the door. Mia gets up to see a blonde man with blue eyes standing by the other side.

"Arlo." Seraphina says in surprise to see the blonde.

"Hey." Arlo smiles.

'Guy looks fishy.' Mia thinks.

"Wow, you look beautiful toda-" Arlo gets cut off.

"No." Seraphina pushes the door.

Arlo holds the door. "Wait!" Looking at Seraphina "At least hear me out."

"Go on then." Seraphina says as she crosses her arms.

"We were challenged to a turf war, and it starts six hours from now. But we're down a member. So, I need you to sub in for Queen." Arlo says.

Seraphina pauses for a moment before speaking. "I'm not interested in turf wars... BYE!" she continues to push the door.

"Serious?!" as Arlo holds the door. "Seraphina, I know it's boring for you. But as Wellston's true queen, this is your responsibility. I've been running the show for you until now. But today, I need a Queen." he states.

"Where's Remi? Why isn't she able to go? Seraphina asks.

"She had to leave for the week. Family emergency." Arlo says.

Seraphina thinks about it.

"Don't worry, you won't need to fight those weaklings. The Jack and I will take care of everything. You just sit back and watch the show." Arlo says as he smiles.

'Man this guy wants her to join so badly. You can tell he's hiding something.' Mia thinks.

"Fine but only if she comes with me." Seraphina points at Mia.

'Seraphina!! Why! This guy looks suspicious!!' Mia thinks in her mind. "Umm, why?" she asks.

"Because, we're friends right? You might as well enjoy this." Seraphina smiles.

"And who's this girl? I never seen her before?' Arlo states. "Why is she in your room?" Arlo glares at Mia.

Mia smiles, unfazed by Arlo glare.

"This is Mia, John's sister." Seraphina states.

"Hiya" Mia waves at Arlo.

Arlo thinks about it. "Alright fine." he states. "But she better stay out of our way."

"Oh don't worry. I don't plan too." Mia smiles. 'Like I give a damn on what you say.'

A/N: Ale ale ale luuuu ya.

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