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Hi again
This ain't a part OK
I'm just saying way ain't anyone reading or commenting or voting my story if you think it stinks or boring just say it I don't care.
I just made this story so I can make friends and followers to talk to
You know how lonely it could be not talking to any one
I just wanna let you know this story is for me to find friends and followers don't like my story then please like me.
:(:(:(:( sometimes I feel like its a waste of my time writing this story and your time reading it .


OK ive never done this before but should I delete or keep updating this story?

I really need your choice

Thanks if you read it I know it was a waste of your time reading a dumd fucken asshole piece of crap like this.

I think this book stinks don't you?
Thanks for reading this and knowing how I feel

Have a good day


Oh and if you see a mistake or non edit than be nice to comment!!!!

(SORRY:(  )

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