Nick weirdly glances at me before shaking my comment off. "Alright. Today, Erica said to practice doing one of our easier routines and we will work our way up, so I thought we would start with our routine from the twenty-fourteen olympics."

I nodded, grabbing his hand and leading him into the rink. I needed to get my mind off of this morning, and skating was probably the only way to do that. "Yeah. Let's start with that."

"Damn, no need to hurry. We haven't even stretched yet." He chuckled, pulling my arm back lightly before I could get into the rink. "What's the rush?"

I turn around and see him switching from confused to concerned. "Nothing. To the studio we go." I sighed, passing him and walking to the studio.

A wave of relief flushed over me when I saw that it was empty, so I started with getting into a front split on the floor.

"You're weirder than usual this morning. Is this because of our conversation about Harry yesterday? Because if it made you uncomfortable, I'm sorry-"

"It didn't make me uncomfortable, Nick. I got my period last night so yeah, I'm feeling a little off." I cut him off. I didn't technically lie, though. Yeah, my period is part of the reason I'm feeling jumpy and anxious, but there are clearly other things on my mind at the moment.

Nick did not look convinced, but thankfully he didn't try to dig for another answer. "I know you're lying, but I also know you haven't had your coffee yet so I'll leave it alone...for now."

I sigh and switched to a middle split and crawled into a straddle, resting my forehead on the floor with my arms straight above my head, feeling my lower back stretch out.

The rest of the twenty minutes of us in the studio were fairly quiet before we were both ready to head onto the ice.

Nick eyes me weirdly as I stumbled my way towards the ice. "Are you sure this isn't about Harry? Because I know for a fact something is wrong."

I stayed quiet, but I guess that was just a confirmation for him. "Ah. So your mood does have something to do with pretty boy over there."

I scoffed and denied his correct assumption. "No."

He gave me the 'I'm not stupid' look. "Did he find out you still like him or something and you got rejected?"

"What? No! I don't like him like that anymore. I just-" I sighed and gave up on trying to lie to him. "Everyone ended up staying the night and I woke up in my bed this to Harry."

Nick gasped, and I already knew what he was going to ask. "No, we didn't sleep together."

His face fell. "Damn. Continue."

I ran a hand down my face. "I can't believe I'm about to tell you this." I mumbled, preparing for his dramatic ass reply before I could begin. "I woke up and we were very close. He said something in his sleep..." I trailed off, feeling awkward as I remember the entire thing.

"What did he say?" Nick leaned in in anticipation.

"I missed you too, Mads." I told him.

Nick looked unfazed. "That's it? You're freaking out over him having a dream about you?"

"It's not just that, Nick." I groaned in frustration, ready to pull my hair out. "He-he had a..." I couldn't even finish my words. I was still in shock from it all.

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