Mind readers

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The sky is dark and rain is pouring down on the concrete outside the classroom window. My hand is carefully supporting my chin as I stare outside at the puddles forming on the ground. 

My mind is anything but paying attention to the history class. How amazing would it be to be able to read minds? I would know exactly what he thinks about me. Wait. I would know exactly what he thinks about me. That is quite scary. What if he doesn't think the same of me as I think of him? So smart.. So funny.. So handsome.. 

''Miss Owens, please tell me in what year Napoleon got defeated and in what battle that was'' the history teacher, Mister Hammond, asks me. I turn my head back to the blackboard in front of the class, checking if by any chance the answer is on the board. ''Uhh, Waterloo'' I answer, that being the only thing I know for sure. ''Correct. And the year?'', Mr Hammond is looking at me with a hand to his side. ''1800?'' I guess, pulling up my shoulders, looking unsure. ''Not quite. Is there anyone here who can help Miss Owens out?'' the teacher asks the rest of the class and I let out a relieved sigh that he is moving on directly, there have been different cases. 

Jeez, that was not a good way to get the impression going. What year was it then, 1815? I know it had an 18 in it. What if he thinks that I am stupid because I got that question wrong?  My eyes dart around the classroom and land on Matthew. ''1815, sir.'' Matthew answers simply, not even looking up from the paper he is drawing on. ''Yes, thank you, Mr Williams''. 

Damn, he is smart. I sigh. The attention shifts to somebody else again, but my attention lingers on Matt. His hair is such a beautiful colour of brown and it's a pity I can't see his eyes, because damn those eyes. I get completely lost in my giant crush on Matt for a while when the ringing of the bell startles me and signals me to get to the next lesson. Lucky for me, Matt is in that class as well. 

English. In English, Matt is 3 tables closer to me and I get a better look at his face as well. In English, I spent significantly more time staring at Matt than in my other classes. Generally. Not always. However, I am reasonably good at English because I like the subject, so I can afford it. 

This week we have to write a creative short story for English. As creative writing is my calling, I had no problem with this assignment at all. My story was about mind reading. For once, my thoughts trail off to my creative story and not Matt. What if there were actually people who could read minds? Would they be bothered by screaming? Should I try? I should try!  No one in this class would possibly be a mind reader. If there is wouldn't they be bothered by me all the time? I do think my mind would be annoying to listen to sometimes. Anyway, I should try mind screaming. Interesting experiment. Here I go, 1, 2, 3. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. 

I pay attention to everybody in the room. My eyes widen as I see Matt flinch. He turns his head and looks at me like he can murder me. I'm not sure whether it is possible, but my eyes widen even more when I realise that he, my crush, Matt, the one I think about 70% when I am at school, can hear all my thoughts. I hide my face in my hands and sink into my chair groaning. 

During the remainder of the day at school, I try to keep my mind as blank as possible. I am trying to get a song stuck in my head so I can focus on that. When the bell finally rings, indicating that this day is over, I rush out of the building. I don't care that it is raining anymore. I try to get home as fast as I can. I need to think about this without being overheard. 

I still can't believe that mind reading is real. If Matthew can read minds, he is definitely not the only one, is he? What if someone in this house can read minds and I can't think in peace here as well? No, no, that can't be, I would have known. 

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