Chapter 31: Circuit Rewiring

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Barry waves a hand. “Lead the way,” he assures her. “I’d never say no to helping him.” He looks at her for a moment as they board the closest elevator. “Is this how it feels all the time for you? Because I’m kind of excited about this.”

She rolls her eyes at his childish behavior, frustrated with two of the men in her life at once. It’s really going to make for quite an experience once they meet this next time. “Yeah, usually there’s more excitement, but he’s being difficult tonight.” She crosses her arms over her chest, unsure of how to tell Barry about the thing with the Arrow. She’s having a difficult time believing it herself, so she has no idea how to break the news to Barry.

The elevator doors open, and she sees the green hooded figure leaning over one side of a man’s body, probably applying pressure. On the other side is Tommy, and then she realizes that the man is Malcolm Merlyn. “Holy fishsticks,” she hears Barry mutter somewhere in the background, and she thinks the sentiment is accurate.

“Go find a first aid kit,” she answers distractedly over her shoulder. “Try the janitor’s closet.” She has no idea what he does then because she’s too busy focusing on the scene unfolded before her. A few quick steps pull her over to the two Merlyn men and the Arrow, and she drops to the floor next to him, falling on her knees. “How can I help?” she asks him quietly, forgetting the early argument as she focuses on the gaping hole in Malcolm Merlyn’s side. Somewhere in the background, she can see Tommy’s mouth working with no sound, but she ignores it.

He moves one hand from the wound to pull hers on top of it. “Apply pressure here,” he answers in that deep, unnatural pitch. “Can you do that?” He studies her for a moment, as if he’s expecting her to say no. And she also notes that his eyes are skimming over her a little too much to be innocent.

“If I couldn’t, I don’t think you’d be sitting here right now. I did this for you not too long ago, remember?” she retorts as she takes over the duty. Her eyes fall over him, too, but for different reasons. “You’re not injured, are you?” The question is answered when she sees a small wound in his arm, and she frowns as she realizes that’s yet another bullet she and Diggle will have to pull out of their favorite emerald archer.

He notices her attentions as he places his fingers to Merlyn’s neck to feel for a pulse, and he answers quietly, “I’ll live.” There’s a moment’s hesitation before he adds with a tentative smile, "And I don't remember—I was unconscious at the time."

She's not so amused, raising an eyebrow in challenge. "Cheeky," she comments. "In fact, it's very cheeky for someone who's currently in the doghouse, mister." He winces, and she has to bite back a smile because of how genuinely concerned he is about her anger. Most of it has already abated, but it's not good to let him know that just yet.

"You work for the Vigilante?" Tommy asks, watching her with wide eyes. Then he shakes his head before continuing with a sharp, bitter voice, "Of course you are—we all know you'd never resist—"

"She doesn't know," the Arrow cuts him off sharply. His eyes tilt upward ever so slightly, in a warning of, And you don't get to tell her, either. She's almost certain that he'd put an arrow in Tommy if he tried to finish that sentence.

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