16 - Polis at a sunset

Start from the beginning


"With you, I'll finally truly understand math, you know?" Clarke asked Lexa as they started going downstairs to Abby.

"Done?" She asked as she saw them back in the living room.

"Yeh, finally," Lexa answered her and put an arm around Clarke. She kissed gently the top of her head.

"Wanna watch some movie with me?"

"Sure. Just please, no heteronormative romantic comedies, alright?" Lexa looked at her, even beggingly.

"Sure," Abby laughed. "Let's pick something together."

They did pick something that all of them liked. The movie was funny and also interesting. Abby was sitting on the left side of the couch, Lexa with Clarke was laying on the other one.


Clarke never thought she will be so happy again. But here she was laying on her girlfriend, watching some movie with her and Abby. This was so surreal. Clarke would never think she'd find herself in such a situation, yet here she was, happy as never.

After the movie, Abby had to come to the hospital. Lexa and Clarke made their homework and ate some supper.

"Lexa, I'm slowly drowning in boredom," Clarke said as she turned on her bed to look at Lexa who was sitting in the armchair.

"And what are we gonna do with that?" Lexa asked as she managed to look at the blonde from her phone.

"I don't know," Clarke pouted.

She indeed was drowning right now. Doing the homework was surprisingly easy and fast, eating supper either. They had no idea what to do with the amount of free time.

"You'd do something interesting?" Lexa stood up from the armchair. Clarke looked at her surprised and then nodded. "Then come, cause I think I might actually have an idea."

They went downstairs to the garage. Clarke stopped in the doors and stared as Lexa searched the whole garage to finally find what she was looking for.

In one corner behind some old shelves, two longboards were standing. There was a lot of dust on them, but they were fine. She shook the dust off of them and smiled at Clarke.

"What do you say?"

They changed into some better clothes for skateboarding. It was 6 pm. So, they had like two hours or so till the sun would set. The streets in Polis weren't so big. Some cars were passing by as the girls were slowly getting to their special spot. The place was was the best view of Polis.

Before hitting there, Lexa decided to buy them some waffles.

"Oh my goddess! I love waffles!" Clarke grinned at Lexa. She was already happy, even though they didn't even order yet.

"I know," Lexa smiled at the view of so happy Clarke. Her face immediately brightened up as Lexa turned to the truck with waffles.

Lexa put an arm around the blonde and brought her closer. Clarke tangled one arm around Lexa's waist.

"I love you so much," Clarke whispered and brought up their lips together.

"I love you, too," Lexa answered after they pulled away.

Eventually, they ordered. They decided to eat on some bench.

"So, where are you taking us?" Clarke asks and then bit into a waffle.

"To the place where is the best sunset view," Lexa just shrugged.

After they ate, they again headed now straight to the spot. Because it was also the highest point in Polis, they had to walk some distance, but they didn't care. Eventually, they reached the spot. And fortunately, the sun already started setting off.

Polis at a sunset was fabulously beautiful. The colors were slowly mixing in the sky. The tower stood just in the middle of it, but it suited perfectly to a view. The darker colors were mixing with the barrier of the forest.

They sat and watched as the sun slowly set off. They talked through all the sunset until it was already time for them to come back.

The lamps were lightning them road as they were driving. Abby obviously still wasn't home. They put the longboards back into a garage and walked upstairs to their room.

"Did I help your boredom?" Lexa asked, looking in the mirror at Clarke.

"You helped very well," Clarke smiled at the thought of today's evening.

They changed into their pajamas and laid together in Clarke's bed. Clarke exhausted after two hours of skateboarding really fastly dropped off. As Lexa caught Clarke's steady breath, she also fell asleep.

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