As a small explosion rocks the spot the guy was standing on the whole school feels the aftershock.

The group have to cover their eyes from the dust,when the dust settles the guy is also just dust.

Kenji : I don't know who that guy was but I'm pretty sure there's more where that came from.

Tsukiko : Yeah no kidding.

They split up and got the rest of the learners to come out of hiding telling them it's okay.

Random learner : Wow did you guys beat him,the 11 of you really are the school's heroes.

Kenji : Yeah we sorted him out and then the police came to get him(he adds on a small white lie).

Tsukiko : And he was real hard to beat too but then we got him off his feet after figuring out how to.

[A few hours later in break time]

The group of four was walking around school and found
a suitable spot for eating.

Kenji : ( He was deep in thought wondering where that guy came from so suddenly)I sense trouble.

Tsukiko : Yeah that guy just showed up which is something I did not expect.

Gina : I wonder if the four of us could have actually handled him on our own.

Akane : We might have been able to but it would have taken a few minutes longer.

Kenji : True that guy was no pushover,he almost leveled me,good thing you caught me.

Tsukiko : It was no problem Kenji-kun,we're all in this together.

Gina : Yeah what are friends for if not there to help each other out in trouble?

Akane : I agree wholeheartedly,we will all always back each other up alright.

Kenji : Ha thanks you 3, whenever one of us is in trouble the rest will aid us.

The bell rings meaning time for the next class and the group go to the changing rooms for gym.

[15 minutes later in gym]

Gym Teacher : Okay today you will be jogging around the track for a few minutes and then rest.

Random student : Sir what are we going to do after running around the track?

Gym Teacher : Good question kiddo,after running around the track I'll tell you what we'll do.

Everyone starts jogging around the track with Kenji and Co leading the bunch of joggers.

Gym Teacher : Good,Kenji Shedji and his friends are in front,show them how it is done.

After a solid 3 minutes of jogging around the track the gym teacher called them back to him.

Gym Teacher : Okay now you will have a rope pulling competition make teams however you want.

Kenji and the 10 girls all teamed up against the rest of the grades 9's 10's and 11's.

Gym Teacher : Kenji Shedji are you and your 10 friends sure you'll be fine like that?

Kenji : Sir we train every day.

Gym teacher : Okay the 11 of you versus the rest of these 3 grades now grab the rope and just wait.

Kenji's group took one end of the rope and the rest took the other end.

Gym Teacher : Okay now when I blow the whistle you start to pull(he blows on the whistle).

Both groups start pulling,Kenji's group pretends to be putting in a slight bit of effort on their part,the other students together pulled with all their might,but Kenji and Co were just too strong to beat in a game of strength like that,Kenji and Co then pulled just a little harder and won the thing.

Gym Teacher : And so I stand corrected cause the 11 of you are as strong as you said you were.

Kenji : Well we're just physically fit is all and like I said we train and exercise everyday.

Gym Teacher : then that means the rumors of the strength you 11 posses is very true stuff

Kenji : And so they are sir.

The rest of gym period goes by quickly and soon the bell rings and everyone goes to change.


[The last period

Kenji thinks once again about what happened that morning with that big guy appearing.

Kireitsune : (whispering) Kenji-dono snap out of your thoughts.

Kenji : (startled he whispers) thanks for having my back Kireitsune(he looks up).

[Hostel Bed time]

Just before Kenji reaches his room he wishes the girls all a good night and nice dreams.

They all wish him the same and he gets a goodnight hug from each of them.

Kenji enters his room,closes the door and climbes into his bed and starts to think about the day.

Kenji : " Today was an interesting day to say the least"(He
then drifts of to sleep).


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