They stand up and start to walk around the school,they run into the principal after a while.

Principal : Greetings Mr Shedji,I see you have a few others friends with you today.

Kenji : Good day sir,my 10 friends divide my attention between them equally.

Tsukiko : Good day Mr. Principal.

Gina : Good day Mr. Principal.

Akane : Good day Mr. Principal.

Principal : It's rather funny that you are the only male in the whole hostel hey?

Kenji : Haha yes sir though it may be because my father got the hostel built for the school.

Principal : Oh how could I forget? What jobs do your parents do Kenji?

Kenji : Their both in retail sir so they make more than enough money for things like hostels.

Principal : Mr Shedji you are a really good learner,the rest of the school could learn from you.

Kenji : To be fair sir the 10 I live with in the hostel are even better learners than me.

Principal : so I've noticed,all 11 of you in that hostel are a good example for others.

Kenji : Thank you sir,I'm sure all the girls in the hostel will be happy to have your praise.

Principal : (shakes Kenji's hand) Well,see you around kid,a principal's work is never done.

Kenji : I'm sure you do your best as our school's principal sir(he shakes the principal's hand too).

The principal walks away with a smile thinking about what
good students Kenji's group are

Tsukiko : Wow Kenji-kun way to hype up the rest of our pack,you really do fit in with us all.

Gina : Your good Kenji-kun.

Akane : Thanks lots Kenji-kun.

Kenji : No problem all 10 of you in the hostel are my friends,I always keep you all in mind ey.

After a few more minutes the bell rings for the last of the day's periods.


[The last period]

Teacher : Since we've finished early with classwork it's time off for the rest of the last period.

Everyone responds to the teacher with a yes mam and they start chatting in groups.

Kenji : Hey Kireitsune what do you want to talk about since we have time to chat now?

Kireitsune : I don't really know Kenji-dono,I just can't think of anything to talk about today.

Kenji : Okay then so do you think I'm making good progress with the girls in the hostel?

Kireitsune : Your doing really well Kenji-Dono,we have more fun with you around us.

Kenji : Well that is good news,you girls already mean a lot to me even if it's been only a few days.

Kireitsune : Well you already mean a lot to all of us too, we'll stay by your side indefinitely.

Kenji : Thank you Kireitsune,I'll stay by the side of you 10 indefinitely as well.

Kenji and Kireitsune chat a little bit more until the bell
rings signalling the day's end.

[lunch after school]

Kenji and the girls were eating lunch when two people entered that surprised him.

Kenji : (Kenji almost dropped his fork when he saw his parents enter the room)Mother,Father?

Kenji and the girls all stood up and bowed at Kenji's parents respectfully.

Akio Shedji : Hi son and hi girls.

Asuka Shedji : Hi there everyone.

Kenji : Father I didn't know that you were coming to see me today I wasn't aware.

Asuka Shedji : Don't worry about it son,we decided to keep our visit a surprise.

Akio Shedji : I come with an announcement regarding you and the girls.

Kenji : So father it sounds serious I hope we're not in any danger from the normals.

Akio Shedji : In a few weeks you and the girl's trust & teamwork will be tried in a little test.

Asuka Shedji : We already gave the school a believable reason for your future absence.

Akio Shedji : You'll be on a survival trip thus requiring your absence from school.

Kenji : Father I may I please ask just one question about this survival trip bussines?

Akio Shedji : Ask ahead son.

Kenji : Where will we wash up?(Kenji asks as a big sweatdrop appears on the back of his head).

Asuka Shedji : Well son near where you will be camping there will be a river for you to wash in.

Kenji : Father,Mother I look forward to hear when we will be going on that survival trip.

Akio Shedji : Then it's settled,by the way you girls don't need
to introduce yourselfs.

Asuka Shedji : You girls's parents gave us all the inf about you all,goodbye you bunch.

Kenji : Goodbye Mother,Father(Kenji bows to his parents in farewell.

Everyone else : Goodbye Mr and Mrs Shedji(the girls also bow
to Kenji's parents in farewell).

Kenji and Co finish eating lunch,do homework,study and then relax for the rest of the day.

[Sleep time after bath time]

Kenji gets hugs from all the girls even including Jackie and they all head to bed.

Kenji :(in his bed) "Well tomorrow me and the girls will discuss the preparations."

Kenji lays there quietly for ten minutes before he goes off into the land of his dreams.

The Highschool Life Of An AnthromorphicWhere stories live. Discover now