✈︎ ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 3 ✈︎

Start from the beginning

"What's your name?" He asked.

"Namjoon. What's yours?"

"Yoongi." He said as a smile materialized on each of their faces. After a while, namjoon and yoongi grew closer and soon became friends. They spent their break and lunch together and even exchanged numbers.

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As jungkook entered the dance studio in excitement, he noticed the two boys who were dancing. Jungkook stood in awe as he watched them dance flawlessly. They both didn't realise jungkook was watching them until until they had completed the dance routine. Once they had finished dancing, They both turned their heads towards jungkook. One of the boys walked towards jungkook.

"Sorry, we didn't know you were there." He said.

He was a head shorter than him and he had a very 'warm' face. His eyes were quite big and honest looking and whenever he would smile, they would turn into parallel lines. His features were innocent looking and his thick, round lips were mesmerising. He was wearing a white t-shirt with dark blue shorts and yellow converse high tops.

"It's fine, don't worry. You both looked so cool! I wish I could dance like that." Jungkook stated.

The two boys laughed at how cute he was as the other male walked over to where jungkook was standing.

His unique features were eye catching. His long face and razor-sharp jawline was breathtaking and his long and linear nose was the epitome of perfect. His slightly pointed ears and extremely defined cupids bow made him look like an angel incarnate. His cheekbones rised further upwards as a heart-shaped smile appeared and his big, smiley double eye-lids squinted with joy. His figure was lanky and toned. He was wearing a partially tucked in oversized white t-shirt and blue denim shorts, which stopped just above his knees, with black converse high tops and a red cap.

The older studied him. "You're from somewhere else, aren't you?" He quizzed.

"Yeah. I'm from America." He said. The two dancers' eyes lit up.

"Wait you're from America? How is it like there? Is it nice there?" They asked jovially.

After they had bombarded him with questions, they introduced themselves to jungkook.

"I'm hoseok and the short one is jimin." One of the boys stated.

Jimin turned to hoseok and hit him playfully in the arm. "There's only a 3cm difference between us."

"Yeah, exactly. I'm 3cm taller than you." Hoseok said. Jimin rolled his eyes before turning back to jungkook.

"Lets start practicing." Jimin grabbed jungkook hand before leading him to the centre of the dance studio, followed by hoseok. "Earlier, you said you wished that you could dance like us so we'll teach you. Hoseok hyung is a better dancer than me so it would be better if you learned from him."

"For the last time, I'm not better than you." Hoseok stated adamantly.

"No. You're a better dancer than me. End of discussion." Jimin said, refusing otherwise.

After a few minutes of bickering, the two boys decided that jungkook would follow the both of them. They ambled over to jungkook and began to teach him how to dance.

Exhausted, jungkook laid down on the floor. Jimin and hoseok sat down beside him momentarily. After a while of dancing and talking, the three of them became good friends and exchanged numbers.

Exhausted, jungkook laid down on the floor. Jimin and hoseok sat down beside him momentarily. After a while of dancing and talking, the three of them became good friends and exchanged numbers.

After a long day, jungkook walked over to his dorm room and spotted yoongi laying on his bed with his phone in his hand. Jungkook removed his shoes as he fell onto his bed in fatigue.

"What was dance like?" Yoongi asked.

"Exhausting." Jungkook uttered. "How was making music?"

"Fun and very time consuming. I even made a friend." Yoongi replied.

"Me too! I made two in fact." Jungkook said. They were slightly astonished at the fact they had both made friends on their first day of university.

Jungkook stood up and walked over to the bathroom to take a shower. After the shower, he soon fell asleep. An hour or two later, Yoongi took a shower and went to bed.

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Everyone at my school was talking about among us and they were asking people if they played it. I might play but I don't have anyone to play the game with.

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