Chapter one~ waking up

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It was a typical summer evening when I had just got back from my friends house, I decided to take a short cut back to my parents house since I didn't really like the streets during the night time. I walked into a nearby forest, what could possibly go wrong? Apart from a pack of wolves attacking me.. It was calm and quiet, the faint noises of crickets in the long grass and birds singing in the trees. I look up to the sky where the bright stars lay, what a beautiful night this was, the moon shining down below me giving me a dim lit path to follow.
As I continued my journey I couldn't help but feel like I was being watched... it was a very off putting feeling but yet it could just be animals, since this was a forest. I tried shaking off the feeling but I became paranoid and started to look behind me now and again, but nothing was there...
"What the hell...." I whispered to myself. I stopped in my tracks when I heard a rustling noise coming from behind me, I saw two red eyes staring at me and i darted round only to see nothing once again. I was getting tired of this
"Okay who's there?! Show yourself!" I said with a raised voice, the rustling continued and suddenly revealed a rather strange looking figure. It was very tall with a red aroma coming about from it, I shook to my very core when I was met with its eyes, dark red and a sickening grin. It spoke in a static radio tone of voice,
"And what is a young dear like yourself, walking in the woods at night?" His voice was soft but also threatening at the same time.
I couldn't speak, only letting him see my fear, I didn't know what to do..
"Speechless eh? Well then~ I guess this will make it easier~" he cackled and suddenly pulls me towards him with such speed i hadn't time to scream. I kicked and squirmed in his grip but nothing worked.
"L-let me go!" I yelled, he laughed in a chilled tone and tightened his grip around my torso, making me yelp in pain.
"Oh I don't think I will~ you are just too precious~ I think I'll make you mine~" He said in a whisper, and that's the last thing I heard before feeling a great pain in my chest and everything when blank.

~~~Time Skip~~~

I awoke gasping for air and looking around, I wasn't in the woods.. nor was it night, I stand up from the ground and everything around me is red, to the sky being a blood red, and even the ground.
"W-where the hell am I...?" I look down at my hands but I didn't have hands at all.. paws.. wolf like paws
I saw a nearby glass building and looked at my reflection, i screeched in horror seeing a wolf like figure standing in front of me, ears.. a tail.. fur.. what was going on?!
I suddenly remember the incident in the woods and I grab my chest but... there's no cut or anything, no blood...? And what was I wearing? (Sorry to interrupt but (Y/N) has a similar appearance to Luna in helluva boss! You choose her fur & hair color!) I start to walk and look around for anyone or anywhere I can go for answers. As I look at my surroundings a certain thing catches my eye, a large building with the letters "Hazbin Hotel" i raise a brow but shrugs as I walk to the doors, but I stop as I suddenly hear a car and I turn around.
"Thanks for the fun time hot stuff~" I hear a voice say and a rather odd looking female exits the car, she was tall with pink and white fur along with a stripped jacket and high heel boots,
"Yeah, yeah listen, keep this discreet you hear me? I can't let it go out I'm offering services to randos on the street..." they said, well he said, he turned to my direction and I suddenly hid behind a trash can,
"It was a quick cash grab got it?" He said,
"Yeah whatever you say slut!" The other guy said in the car,
"Oh ouch such an insult, let me know when you come up with something creative to call me, you sack of poorly package horse shit! Tell the misses I said hi~ snookums~" he said and I couldn't help but let out a small laugh, but I covered my mouth. I was rather intrigued so I decided to approach him. As I did so he looked behind him and went to a vending machine, I walked closer "h-hi there..." I said in a shy tone, he looked over at me and raised a brow
"Sorry hun, I'm off for the day~ My services a closed~" he said with a seductive yet snickering tone. My eyes widened and i went bright red.
"N-no no! I didn't come to you for that! I-I need to know where I am..." I say as I look away from him, feeling to embarrassed. I only heard him chuckle
"Ah I see~ well toots you're in hell~ but you're looking wayyy to innocent for this place" he cooed, I gasped and looked back up at him, I felt my eyes prick as tears started to form.
"W-what did you just say....? H-hell...? N-no... I-I can't be here..." I whispered and felt my legs become shaky, he obviously noticed as he quickly picked me up and looked down at me with a smirk.
"Well then~ let's take ya to Charlie, she can help ya!" He said with a cheerful tone, as he walked to the hotel I spotted earlier. I looked up at him in slight disbelief.
"W-why are you helping me...? You barely know who I am..." I say shyly, he chuckles as he walks into the hotel but still keeps me close to his chest. His fur was so fluffy..
"Well I see that you clearly need help~ so I'm trying my best to be nice and helping ya toots~"
I blush at the nick name and nods at his words, he walks to a desk and a blonde hair girl appears, she looks up at the male prostitute "Angel? Why are you holding this girl? Does she need help?"
Angel nods and chuckles "yeah she does Charlie, she's not sure why she's here and maybe give her a room?" He asks, Charlie looks at me and smiles
"Of course! We needed a new guest anyways! Thank you Angel, see your not as bad as you think" she winks at him and he rolls his eyes.
"T-thank you Angel.... and Charlie" I whisper and Angel puts me down.
"So what's ya name?" She asks with a smile
"I'm (Y/N) nice to meet you!"
"What a wonderful name! I'm sure you'll enjoy your stay! I will give you a room key and then we will discuss why you're here later ok?" She says and I nod. She goes under the desk and pulls out a key and hands it to me.
"Thanks Charlie!" I say happily
"Come on toots~ let me take you to your chambers~" Angel says with a wink and I nod, following him into the lift.
"Thanks again Angel... I-I appreciate it.." I smile at him and he gives me a sort of smile back. I guess he's not as cheerful as Charlie....
as we exit the lift he takes me down a hallway and to a room, indicating this is mine I unlock it and gasps seeing the inside, I run to the bed and jumps on it feeling the fluffy pillows.
"Wow! This rooms amazing!" I giggle and Angel stands in the doorway and smirks.
"Heh, yeah it's a pretty cool room right?~" he walks in and closes the door behind him. I sit up on the bed as I look at him in confusion.
"Uh... Angel...? What are you doing..?" I whisper and he sits on the bed beside me.
"(Y/N).... I-I don't exactly have a room at the moment....." he says as he looks at me in the eyes. I let out a squeak when he gets closer and my face heats up and my ears go back, ugh do I have to be anymore obvious?
"Dude... we literally just met, what makes you think I'll let you stay in my room?"
"Please...? Charlie banned me from mine and I don't exactly have anywhere else to go"
I look at him in sympathy a little as he looks down, I let out a sigh and lays down on the bed as I groan in defeat
"Fine! You can stay, but-" I stop talking as I feel arms around my waist and torso and I blush intensely.
"T-thank you (Y/N)!! This means so much to me!" He says happily and I let out a small giggle.
"It's alright..." I whisper and he snuggles into me and closes his eyes, i smile a small smile as I slowly drift to sleep and turns to face him, resting my head on his chest.

Well this was a interesting day...
I wonder what tomorrow will bring...

Hazbin Hotel Angel Dust x Reader~ broken Where stories live. Discover now