"Nice place," Aiyanna politely said as she continued to stare at Jiang's home. The older boy gave a sheepish grin as he beckoned the teenage girl to follow him.

"Yeah, it's modest compared to the rest of the apartments that you saw back there. It took a lot of bargaining to get this place, but luckily my boyfriend's a tailor. He's got a lot of people from the Upper Ring wanting his designs so we might be moving up there in about a week," Jiang added on as he opened the front door, Aiyanna eagerly followed him, her heart beating faster than before.

He didn't lie when he said that his boyfriend was a tailor. Instantly, Aiyanna was awing at countless mannequins that showed off intricate pieces of clothing —all of which were beautiful in Aiyanna's opinion— different types of fabric overtook the furniture, measuring tapes, pincushions and many more tools were strewn out on the ground and the back of a boy was sitting on the ground, with a needle in his hand, casually sewing another item of clothing.

"It's about time you showed up, what took you so long," Jiang's boyfriend scoffed as he got up from the ground, the piece of clothing still in his hand. And as soon as he turned around to meet his boyfriend —his eyes widened in shock at the visitor in their midst.

Only it wasn't just Jiang's boyfriend who had a look of astonishment on his face. Aiyanna's jaw dropped as she met the face of Jiang's boyfriend. Tanned skin like her own, messy brown hair and that toothy grin. Never before had she planned on seeing his face again
—and yet, here he was standing in front of her.



    "You two know each other?" Jiang asked as he looked back and forth between his boyfriend and Aiyanna, pointing a finger in confusion as he continued to look at the two with a puzzled expression.

    "Aiyanna's from the Northern Water Tribe, babe, we knew each other," Dyami asked as he carefully placed his project on an empty table as he made his way over towards his boyfriend and the teenage girl. He placed a tender kiss on his boyfriend's cheek before continue to give Aiyanna a quizzical look.

"The last time I saw him, Dyami was supposed to be getting married to Princess Yue," Aiyanna slyly remarked as she crossed her arms over her chest as she continued to gaze up at the teenage boy that she hadn't seen in ages.

His cheeks pinked at the very words that escaped her lips. Jiang craned his neck to see his boyfriend's rosy face, a small grimace forming on his lips.

"You never told me that you were engaged to a princess,"

𖤐 ˚ .𖤐

    THERE WAS NO DENIAL THAT AWKWARD TENSION HAD— arose after Aiyanna slipped out that Dyami was supposed to be engaged to Princess Yue. The thing was, why didn't he get married to her? One minute she had been told by one of Yue's handmaids that Dyami and her were to be wed and the next minute, Dyami left the Northern Water Tribe and was Yue was to be betrothed to someone else.

    The teenage girl sat awkwardly on the ground as she relaxed her back on the multiple cushions that were strewn around the ground. Her eyes tentatively scanned the decor in Jiang and Dyami's home. The two boys were in the kitchen, speaking in quiet rushed tones as they were away from Aiyanna. A flustered Dyami said something about making tea and an angry Jiang followed him. Now, Aiyanna was sitting awkwardly waiting for the two to return.

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