"I was thinking of Spirited Away. It's been a long time since we watch it." Yoongi suggested at the same time Hoseok came in with the plates. "I'm fine with that." He said as Namjoon nods. "Alright then, Spirited Away it is," Jin concluded.

"Hey, Yoongi, mind calling Jungkook down," Jin asked and the said boy just shrugs but does as told. He stood up and make his up the stairs. "Yah Jungkook! We're watching a movie and eating pizza for dinner tonight! Get your sleepy ass up!" He said and stand right in front of his room.

"I know why you didn't want to wake up because I feel the same way too. But I make an effort of climbing up these stairs to call you down so you better wake up." He knocked on his door but there's still no answer.

"Yah Jungkook!"

Meanwhile, Jungkook is incapable of standing up on his own, not to say walk and open the door. Still have the heart monitor and IV tube attached to him, he can't get up from the bed. Also, he didn't have the energy too.

Now he's sitting on his bed but with the help of Maya a few minutes ago.

"Yah Jungkook! Get up now!"

I can't! He wished he could say but he didn't want to waste his very limited energy by raising his voice. He also wishes he could just open the door with his power but that would only reveal two of his biggest secret that he tried so hard to keep from them. 

"I swear if you're not going to open the door on the count of 3, I will knock it down."

Jungkook's breath hitched. No, you won't!


Jungkook bit his lips nervously.


His heart beating at a fast pace.


Suddenly all the lights in the house began to flicker. Yoongi stops his right leg which was ready to kick the door down while Jungkook was looking at the heart monitor beside him that was kept on turning off and on.

"The heck?" Yoongi uttered while looking at the blinking light above him.


Jin shouted from downstairs. "There's something wrong with the tv!" Jungkook could hear Yoongi's footsteps from outside the door getting softer. He knew he should be relieved about this but somehow he just can't seem to settle down. Not to mention, Jin said something wrong with the tv and that makes him uneasy somehow.

Jungkook turned to his bedside and saw the antidote placed on the nightstand together with a cup of water.

Jungkook POV

"It's Corwell. She said she finds a cure for your illness."  Maya sniffles. My eyes widen by this. Really? How? When?

I slowly pushed her and looked at her confusedly. "What?" She sat beside me and sigh. "Believe it or not she did. I don't know how and when she did it but she did. She also told me to let you be in your weakest state as possible before she came to Korea herself with the cure. The cure could only work when you're very weak, she said. The one I injected you with was a serum that she gave Alice to give to me. Because of that serum, you're are now very weak, correct?"

She looked at me with eyes filled with guilt and concern. Well, now I don't have to be upset with her since she told me the truth. I nod.

"I'm sorry Jungkook for doing this to you without your consent. I should have told you." She looked down. I softly placed my hand on hers and which makes her to look at me with teary eyes. "It's okay. I understand." I gently rub my thumb on her fingers in a comforting way.


After that, Maya also told him that the serum was so strong that even if Jungkook took his antidote, it will only give him 6 hours worth of energy instead of 12 hours. What's worse was if Jungkook runs out of the antidote's energy, he will be weaker than before. So weak until he didn't have enough strength to breathe by himself. She also said Sherry will bring the cure in three days after this.

But Maya told him that if he needs to use it for something important, he can take it. Only try not to use it all too quickly. Right now was one of the something important. He doesn't understand why but after Jin said that something wrong with the tv, he can't help but to feel somewhat uneasy. Almost as if something bad will happen.

He thought for a moment if he should do it. His gut telling him something will happen. Something that's not good. With that conclusion, he took the antidote.


Yoongi goes downstairs and walks straight to the living room. There he saw the tv screen glitching from static to channels. Jin and Hoseok were looking confusedly at the screen while Namjoon tries pressing any of the buttons on the remote. "What happened? Don't tell me Namjoon did it." Yoongi said which caught the attention of all three of them.

The three looked at him. "No Yoongi, surprisingly Namjoon didn't do it," Jin said while Namjoon who sat beside him nods. "If that so then who broke it?"

Suddenly, the tv screen static sound became louder. All four boys flinched and cover their ears quickly. "The hell?!" Hoseok uttered and soon after the noise was gone and the screen was replaced with the scene of two people sitting on a chair with sacks on their head.

Both of their hands tied to the back of the chair. All four of them were confused. "The fuck? Please tell me this is a scene of the movie we will be watching and not a real broadcast from some bad guy." Yoongi questioned hoping what he said is true.

Sadly, all of them shook their head. This is bad.

"Hyung?" Jungkook's voice echoes from their back as they quickly turned around to face him. The younger was drowning in sweat. He looks as if he just did sprints the entire marathon.

"Yah, you okay?" Hoseok asked as he approached the younger. He pats his shoulder and was surprised to felt it was cold. Very cold for a normal human temperature.

"Jungkook, are you si-"

"Hello BTS,"

A deep electronic male voice boomed from the tv speaker, leaving shivers down their spine. Jungkook who was struggling to get down immediately met with the same bad feeling in his gut. Is this it?

The sound of someone snapping their fingers echoes from the tv and the bags were no longer on the two people's heads. There, all their heart dropped.

Sitting on both of the chairs are two unconscious Taehyung and Jimin. Their hair was a mess and both of the heads were slightly hung down. It seems that they aren't in any harm considering their untouched face and clean skin. But the sight of someone already abduct them scares the five boys. They may not be hurt now but they will be if they stay there longer.

Namjoon was first to come back from his shock state. "Why are they there?! Who are you?! And what do you want?" He growls at the end.

A dark and sinister chuckle was head after on the tv.

"Of course we want the money. As I can remember, these two are considered one of the most expensive models in the world. We'll be hella rich if we sold them to the black market!"

He laughed loudly while one of his men wore a black cap and mask came into view. He grabbed Taehyung by his chin and lift his unconscious face to the camera.

"Don't touch him you filthy rat!" Jin shouted through gritted teeth. The voice laughed. "Don't worry, I won't hurt a single hair on them IF you do as we say."

At this point, all four of the members were angrily glaring at the screen while Jungkook stares concernedly at his two hyungs. "I want you all to call your rich of a parents to give us the money or we will hurt them. As in, chopping them all to pieces." They all gasped. "DON'T YOU DARE!" Hoseok growls.

"We promise you, we won't. If you manage to give us the money by then, we'll let them go. But if you're against it, this will be your last time seeing them."

"With that, you all got three days. Good luck." He laughed evilly before the screen turned black.


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