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I had the rest of the week off for me to prepare my things because I had to stay there for 6 months. I already finished all my paper work so all I need now is to wait.

I'm on my way to meet Wynonna so we could catch up with everything happening on woth our lives. We were going to meet on our old spot.

"WAVERLY!" Wynonna shouts


"Oh I will miss you" Wynonna says as she give me a hug.

"Don't worry I won't be gone that long"

"Yes you are, 6 months that's alot for me. You're growing up so fast" She then hugged me again.

"(Laughs) Are you sure you don't want to come with me?"

"I have work remember"

"Oh yeah forgot about that"

"Anyways what's new?"

Me and Wynonna kept on talking trying to catch up on what's new and stuff like that. I'm sure going to miss this.

Minutes later my phone started ringing, I wonder who it is, so I checked it out.


"Hey Waves"

"Oh Nicole, Hey!"

"Are you doing something at the moment?"

"Yeah I'm with Wynonna... Why is something wrong?"

"No I'm just ummm..checking"

"Nicole what's wrong?"


"Nicole I know you're lying"

"Nothing I'm just here... chilling in bed..."

"Nicole say it"

"(Clears throat) Nothing I was just hoping you were free"


"I'm ughh... I am (clears throat)"

"Say... it..."

"I'm horny eeeeeeehhhhhh"

"(Laughs) What?"

"I just really want you by my side right now, but It's okay"

"(Laughs) Are you kidding me?!"

"I'm sorry..."

"Hold on I'll be there"

"No Waves it's okay"

"(Laughs) in your dreams" I then hang up the phone.

"What was that? Is everything okay?" Wynonna asks

"Yeah Nicole needs help on something"

"Oh okay you should go then, I still have to finish some report anyway"

"You sure?"

"Of course I'm sure (laughs) I'll talk to you soon"

"Okay, I'm really sorry Wynonna love you"

"Don't worry about it, take care baby girl"

I got out and grabbed a taxi immediately, I told the driver the address then I took my phone out so I could call Nicole.

"I'm on my way"



"What about Wynonna?"

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