Chapter 69

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Loki nodded eagerly. He desperately wanted the stitches out of his lips. They still hurt, were still leaking blood, and he couldn't eat or speak until they were gone. On top of all of that, they were humiliating as Hel.

He would even forgo answers for a little longer in order to get the stitches out.

It made asking questions and demanding answers easier regardless.

Frigga gave him a gentle smile and cupped his cheek. She was careful not to hurt him worse than he already was. "Soon, darling," she said gently. "Just be patient a bit longer," she wouldn't remove the stitches in public. She wouldn't embarrass him like that. She wouldn't do any kind of procedure like that in front of witnesses.

"I'm coming," Thor said firmly. There was no room for negotiation in his words. Frigga turned to him and raised an eyebrow. He'd brought his friends to Asgard and they were his responsibility. She understood, though, the his love for his brother came first. Especially since it was his actions, though not his decisions, that had caused his brother's pain.

Frigga nodded, accepting Thor's words. She was watching him to see what he would do. She always had to evaluate her sons, to see which would be the better heir to the throne. The throne went to the son who would be the better ruler, not necessarily the eldest.

Thor looked to Wanda. He knew that Peter would want to stay with Loki no matter what, so he would trust this task to the other teen who had been to Asgard before. "Wanda, stay with the team. I'll have Sif escort you all to somewhere you can rest until after we have helped Loki,"

Wanda nodded "I'll stay with the team" she promised. She knew enough about Asgard to keep the others out of trouble until Sif could act as a proper babysitter.

Thor nodded "Thank you," he said. He sent a servant to fetch Sif with the instructions to take the team to the warriors' lounge so they could rest. Frigga gave him a smile and a proud look, which made him blush and look a bit sheepish.

By then, Peter was supporting Loki. Loki was dazed from the healing potions and had been forcing himself to be functional for too long. He was fading fast and desperately needed rest. Peter hated seeing Loki so weak. He was so used to Loki being always strong and always capable.

/I'll be alright, arachnid/ Loki said in Peter's mind, sensing where his blood-brother's thoughts were heading. Even his mental voice sounded exhausted.

Thor approached them. "Come, brother. We'll get those stitches out and then you can rest," he told Loki gently. Loki nodded his agreement. Then made a muffled surprised noise when Thor swept him up into his arms. Loki squirmed and tried to get down. He didn't want to be carried and more to the point, he didn't want Thor carrying him. "Hush, brother. You're barely able to stay on your feet. Let me help you," there was pain and pleading in Thor's voice. He'd let Loki be hurt. His hands had been the ones to actually inflict the wounds on his little brother.

It was Odin's orders, but Thor has still fulfilled them.

Thor would never forgive himself for hurting Loki. Never.

And he would do everything in his power now in order to ease his little brother's pain.

Loki settled and nodded and let Thor carry him. He even didn't stab Thor for once, which spoke to how poorly the younger god was feeling. He laid his head on Thor's shoulder and closed his eyes so he didn't have to see people watching him in such a vulnerable position.

"This way," Frigga told the pair and led Thor through the back halls to the healing wing. Peter trailed behind. He wouldn't leave Loki alone, not after last time. They'd all been hurt by Odin's punishment of Loki.

Frigga led the way to the healing wing and had Thor bring Loki to one of the private rooms. Sigyn was there already. "Sit him up in the bed," she told Thor as she went to get the supplies to remove the stitches, working in tandem with Sig.

Thor settled Loki gently where he was told and took a seat on the bed next to his brother, facing him. "I'm so sorry, brother," Thor had tears in his eyes as he spoke. He cupped Loki's cheek. "I never should have listened to father. I never should have let him hurt you,"

Loki leaned into Thor's touch and purred softly, reassuring Thor with his purrs that he was alright. Jotuns really were oversized cats.

It wasn't Thor's fault. He'd had no choice but to obey.

But he still blamed himself.

Odin was the one to blame.

And he was being tortured by Hela. Or so Loki assumed.

They would get more clarification on that later. Right now, they had to get the stitches out of Loki's lips. Frigga returned with the supplies. She moved to take Thor's spot next to Loki. Thor looked up at her. "C-can I do it?" He asked. He'd caused Loki the pain in the first place. He wanted to be the one to make it right.

"Are you sure, darling?" Frigga asked. Thor had never been interested in the healing wing or medical procedures before. She and Sig were perfectly capable of doing it.

Thor nodded, strength and surety in his eyes. "Yes, mother. I'm sure. I cause this pain. I wish to be the one to begin to fix it," he replied. Frigga nodded and walked him through the procedure for removing the stitches with the least amount of pain possible.

Peter stayed at the sidelines of the room, watching with wide eyes. He was growing up a lot in the last few days and there was a lot to take in. Or there would be, once there was a little peace and quiet for him to come to terms with everything. Until then, he would be there to support Loki.

Thor picked up the small magicked scissors and the clean white cloth and got to work. His hands were as steady as a surgeon's as he carefully began to cut the thread. He mopped up Loki's blood as he went, as the wounds reopened and bled. He spoke to Loki as he worked, soothing, saying useless nonsense and promising it would all be over soon.

It didn't take long to remove the stitches. Thor applied the healing salve himself and cleaned the wounds, cleaned Loki's blood-streaked face. "Rest, brother," he said as he helped Loki lay down in the bed in the healing wing. "We will be here when you wake," he said and kissed Loki's forehead.

"Thank you," Loki croaked softly, his voice weak and broken.

"Always. I love you, brother," Thor replied and tucked the blankets around his brother.

"I love you too," it had been too long since Thor had heard those words from Loki. Odin had forced them apart, forced them to be at odds in the fight for the throne and his favor. Thor wouldn't let that happen anymore, not after Odin's punishment had forced him and Loki back together, not after getting his brother back from the dead.

"Rest, brother. We're here," Thor promised.

"We're here, witch," Peter agreed and took a seat on the couch in the room, out of the way, but there to support Loki.

Loki looked to Peter and gave him a tiny smile. "Three, and only because I am injured,"

Peter grinned, glad their number system for Loki's evilometer was still going strong. It had started as such a silly thing, a way to break the ice with the former villain. No one ever thought it would've spark such a strong friendship. "Glad to hear it, witch. I'm sure it'll be lower after some rest,"

Loki nodded and finally closed his eyes to get some rest, surrounded by his family.

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