Between Lightbulb and Paintbrush

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Paintbrush: Ugh... I hate (insert thing) so much.
Lightbulb: Remember Painty, you can never hate anyone as much as I hate myself!
(LB laughs uncontrollably)
Paintbrush: A-are you ok?
Lightbulb: Nah.

Paintbrush: Imagine if like, Inanimate Insanity never happened, our lives would be so different.
Lightbulb: Hm, I can't imagine that, perhaps you could paint the picture for me?
Paintbrush: Why.

Lightbulb: So how exactly do you become androgynous?
Paintbrush: Since you have to take testosterone to become masculine, and oestrogen to become feminine, to be androgynous you have to take pure fucking adrenaline.
Lightbulb: Oh my god why-
Paintbrush: Oh, my fellow bulb friend, gender can't catch up with constant anxiety.

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