hold you near me - hank/connor [nsfw]

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SUMMARY: Connor goes snooping around in Hank's room and gets caught.


As Connor grew into his deviancy, there were several things he could call himself. Oblivious was not one, nor had it ever been one, but Hank proved him wrong.

He never noticed the disappearance of his CyberLife issued jacket that he'd abandoned after the revolution. He mostly wore his white button-up and slacks, his fashion tastes still in development. Hank wasn't exactly the best to go to for advice in that department, Connor had come to learn.

He also thought nothing of it when Hank set the boundary of never entering his room unless given permission. This was right after the revolution when Hank had taken Connor in, and Connor didn't bother to question it. He was used to taking orders, so it was a definite upgrade when the closest Hank got to ordering him around was telling him not to enter his room. It was easy enough, even without the wall of programming he lost in his deviancy.

Connor never minded the boundary. Hank had a right to his privacy, after all. Just about every night, though, Connor would hear muffled sounds from Hank's bedroom. The first time it happened, he'd jumped off of the couch to go to Hank's door, but he stopped halfway there and listened closer.

They weren't sounds of pain, but of pleasure. Connor stood at the door for several minutes until he heard Hank give a strangled moan, and then there was silence. He did nothing but turn off his sexual functions to avoid his own arousal and went into stasis.

As time went on, their interactions felt more forced, and Connor couldn't help but wonder if Hank knew he listened to him every night. He'd even consulted Markus about it, who had sighed and told him it was just in his head. He also told him that he and Hank needed to talk about it, but Connor didn't want Hank to feel obligated to do anything about his feelings, so he decided against it.

Except Connor didn't entirely decide against it, because he still thought about it. More and more, he'd get tempted to tell Hank how he felt about him- which was both romantic and sexual attraction, he'd finally realized- and sometimes it even seemed like the right moment. But Connor was too afraid of breaking the one consistently good thing he had, and the moments would slip by, like sand falling from his hands and being blown away.

It became increasingly difficult for Connor to keep his hands to himself when Hank would leave the shower in nothing but a towel or boxers, water dripping down his neck and down his gut. Or when Hank would leave his room to go to the bathroom after jerking off- times where Connor would have to sprint to the couch to ensure he wasn't caught outside of his door- and Connor could detect the traces of semen on Hank. It drove him fucking crazy.

One night, when Hank had fallen asleep on the couch, Connor decided it was time he broke the rule and looked into Hank's room. He just had to see. Of course, he was guilty about it, but after nights of Hank pleasuring himself in there, he was curious.

He gently moved Hank to where he was laying on the arm of the couch instead of Connor's shoulder and quietly got up. He put a finger to his lips when Sumo stirred in his spot by the fireplace.

"Shh," Connor hushed the dog that tilted his head at him. Lucky for Connor, Sumo didn't seem very interested in whatever it was the artificial-smelling human was doing and put his head back down. Connor felt a wave of relief wash over him and stealthily made his way to Hank's door. He opened the door slowly and winced at the creaking sound it made, damning Hank's old house. He began to close the door behind him, but thought better of it and left it open a crack. He turned on the bedside lamp.

On Hank's bed, he found his own CyberLife jacket and, when he did some more investigating, a six-inch dildo, which was poorly hidden in the bottom drawer of Hank's nightstand.

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