living masterpiece - chloe/reader

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SUMMARY: Chloe was created to be the best of the best, so it's no wonder you fell in love with her.
A/N: This, among other things I will be posting, is from 2018. Apologies if it isn't up to par in comparison to other things I post.

I looked over to my right and gave Chloe a slight smile as we walked into my apartment, replaying the sound of her laughter in my head with a small smile on my face. My apartment was decently sized, it could definitely be roomier, but it was nothing to complain about. Since I'd moved in, I'd added little things to it to make it feel more like home than an apartment.

I wasn't fooling myself, though. The only thing that made this place feel like home to me was Chloe. Her beautiful, shiny blue eyes, gorgeous blonde hair, a body to die, come back to life and die again for... and God forbid you get me started on her personality.

Chloe was as soft as they get. She wore my clothes frequently and I often caught her shoving her face into my scarf on days when we walk through the winter-struck streets of Detroit. I found it fairly obvious she was a deviant, seeing as non-deviated androids couldn't even feel cold. We never said anything about it, but I knew and she probably knew that I knew.

Chloe was always caring- maybe too much for her own good. She'd always plead with me to cut out some more self destructive behaviors I had been accustomed to, such as having an absolutely atrocious sleep schedule. I relented, her hopeful expression often too difficult to say no to.

Chloe was very smart, as well. I could literally ask a random question and she would probably know the answer. She knew absurd amounts of math too. There was this one time I took her to the grocery store with me, and that was a huge mistake. She started saying the exact prices of every item that was on sale if it didn't specify the sale price, and there was a pretty big sale on a whole aisle inside the store. She also really enjoyed analyzing the items in the grocery store while I stand and wait for her to stop scanning the entire aisle, fascination making her eyes glow. She constantly loved to know more about anything, and it was something I really admired about her. Her desire to always know more.

Chloe was also super eager to do anything new, most likely going hand-in-hand with her desire to learn about everything. She nearly melted when I asked her if she wanted to go to Pirates' Cove. She had actually screamed on one of the rides, to my amusement. Although I couldn't blame her, it was a fairly intense roller coaster. She insisted on going on every ride, and I didn't care about the protesting of my bank account. It was worth it. She also jumped on the opportunity to install updates to make her even more human-like, being able to eat and drink, et cetera. She was just... so fucking cute.

As much as I wanted to play it off as though I only viewed her as my friend, I eventually had to come to terms with the reality of the situation. I was in love with her. And the more time I let pass after making that realization, the harder it became to dance around each other the way we did.

I couldn't not ask. She set our groceries down on the counter and began to put them away. I offered to help, but she just smiled a bit and said it was fine, shooing me away with her hand. I plopped onto the couch. We cuddled on this couch a lot, although I'd always chocked it up to good ol' platonic affection, too scared to let myself begin to imagine that our relationship was anything more than that. Platonic.

 I smiled to myself a bit, thinking of the way she'd lean into my touch and let me braid her hair. I looked over as she finished putting away groceries and sat next to me, leaning into me slightly and giving a shy smile.

God, she's  going to kill me one day, I thought to myself as I took a deep breath.  Chloe tilted her head slightly, like a puppy. She looked concerned.

"Your heart rate has elevated, Y/N. Is something the matter?" She asked sweetly. Sometimes I really forgot that she was an android until she did shit like scan me. I simply shook my head and looked away, but she was persistent about it.

"You often act this way around me. Flustered, I mean. Is there something wrong with me?" She  pressed, and to my surprise she sounded upset as she finishes her sentence.

"God- No, Chloe. That's the problem. There isn't anything wrong with you. You're sweet, adorable, intelligent, charming... and painfully unaware," I said exasperatedly, unable to meet her eyes. Chloe's face tinted blue at my compliments and I watched as her LED spun, flashing yellow. Her gorgeous eyes widen a bit as she processed what I said.

"You think..."

"No, I know, Chloe. And you know what the worst part is?" I asked as heat rushed into my cheeks, heart beating hard in my chest as though it was trying to escape it's restraints all together.

"...What?" Chloe asked softly, as though she was afraid and excited at the same time to hear the answer. This was it. This was the closest to good timing I was ever going to get.

"I'm madly in love with you." I finished, bracing myself for rejection. Her eyes widened even more as her face takes on a deeper shade of blue.

"You're...?" Chloe trailed off softly, unable to even finish her sentence.

"Yes, Chloe. To the point where it hurts." I strained, my voice tight and I felt tears pricking in my eyes. Chloe moved forward and I expected her to hug me and apologize for not liking me back, but that apology never came. She instead connected our lips. I felt her artificial tears and my own as she kissed me sweetly. I broke the kiss for breath and embrace her, still unsure if what was happening was real or not.

Holy. Fucking. Shit.

"Oh, Y/N, I love you too." She said into my shoulder and I can hear her smile through her voice. After a few minutes that I'll never forget, she broke our hug.

"So... What does that make us?" She asked, nerves edging her voice but her face remains calm.

"Well, Chloe, do you want to be my girlfriend or not?" I asked, failing to repress a grin. She beamed at me. God, her fucking smile.

"There's nothing I'd want more," Chloe said softly, planting a quick kiss on my lips. I pulled her closer as we cuddled on my couch, grabbing her hand and kissing her knuckles. I watched in awe as her skin peeled back. I'd seen her do it before, but it never failed to amaze me. I met her gaze and only found love in those shining eyes.

She truly was a living masterpiece.

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