lost in your visions - hank/connor [nsfw]

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SUMMARY: Connor plans everything thoroughly and his and Hank's train ride was no exception.

Hank really should have known that Connor would have ulterior motives. He always did, really; nothing was done without every possible outcome being thought out. Everything he did was carefully calculated, and Hank really shouldn't have thought their vacation would be any different.

Hank tensed when Connor met his eyes where they stood at the train station. Connor, who had never been on a train before, had expressed a particular excitement to do so, but the look he had now was entirely different.

His eyebrows were drawn together slightly and his LED was yellow, and Hank knew Connor must have been deep in thought. It did make him wonder, though...

"What are you thinkin' about there, Connor?" Hank asked, his voice higher than he wanted and betraying him entirely.

Connor blinked and then, to Hank's surprise, muttered 'fuck' under his breath. Hank was taken aback. Connor wasn't usually one to swear at all, and he shifted where he stood waiting for some sort of explanation from Connor.

"Just thinking..." Connor wrapped his arm around Hank, pulling the man into his side. Hank was used to Connor being affectionate, but the android had hitherto expressed wariness about PDA. Hank didn't particularly have a preference, so he never had any input about it.

He could say now that he definitely enjoyed Connor holding him flush to his side like that, almost possessively. Hank wondered what made him change his mind about PDA, but didn't voice his question besides a thoughtful hum.

"You look very lovely today, Hank," Connor complimented.

Hank felt his heart flutter in a way that'd normally be alarming, but he knew it was solely because of his boyfriend's compliment. His stupid robot boyfriend, who made sure that he was healthy and that the only reason his heart would race would be because of a damn compliment.

"Uh, yeah, thanks," Hank looked to the side Connor wasn't standing. He was grateful to hear someone over the intercom say that their train was arriving, and sure enough, arrive it did. Connor hummed and Hank turned to him. Hank swore Connor's eyes had a hint of something more.

Connor unhooked his arm and pushed Hank forward slightly, which Hank took as his cue to step forward into the train. Connor followed behind and Hank felt as though all the air left his body when Connor pressed up behind him and-

Holy shit, Connor was hard.

Connor wasn't just semi-hard, either. Hank could feel all seven and a half inches of Connor through his pants and he whipped his head around to look at Connor, bewildered.

"I think we should find a seat, mm?" Connor suggested, and Hank only just then recognized the darkness in his eyes as arousal. Hank knew Connor wasn't about to explain himself, nor did he need an explanation.

Hank wasn't a police Lieutenant for no reason, and he made the connection fairly quickly at this point. It was the damn shorts he was wearing, surely, since he now realized Connor had been giving him eyes since he'd put them on this morning. The only reason he did, too, was because they were behind in chores since work had been overwhelming them. All of the newly cleaned laundries had been put into their suitcases and so Hank was left with shorts that were just slightly too small but were enough to drive Connor wild.

Hank almost wondered if Connor planned this intentionally, from the vacation from work to the timing of the laundry. Knowing Connor, who was now walking them to a seat in the back corner, the fucker probably /had/ planned this. And the idea of that made Hank's arousal worse.

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