chapter 19 ✓

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chapter 19

harry's pov

9 years ago

"harry?" mia asked laying next to me on the grass. we stared up at the stars

"where do you think we go when we die?" she asked looking over at me

i sighed "i'm not sure. i hope we go to heaven."

"i don't want to go to heaven without you, let's try and die at the same time" she smiled

"silly, that's going to be in like a hundred years from now" i laughed nudging her

"i know" she said "but i don't think i would want to live without you"

i kept silent for a few minutes before replying "me too mia. me too"

present time

"oh my god drake!" julia cried on the floor

relief was all i felt. the body underneath the black plastic was drake, not mia's. i walked off taking deep breaths. julia sobbed on the floor and another stretcher came out of the building.

this time, it was a paramedic rushing the stretcher into the ambulance carrying an unconscious mia harrison.

"mia!" i screamed running to her. she lay there cold, not moving.

"what's wrong with her" i demanded from the paramedic

"a mix of heroin and hemlock. the boy giving this to her screwed up his dosages, 2 more grams and she would have stopped breathing" he said propping her into the vehicle.

"i'm coming" i said getting in "julia!" i called

she shook her head "i'm going to stay with drake"

i nodded and the paramedic shut the doors of the van. i watched as they tried to save the life of the girl i've always loved. a few minutes later we were at the hospital and they rushed her into surgery and into a part of the hospital i was not allowed.

i ran to phoebe's room where she sat with her mom playing a card game

"we found mia. she's in surgery" i said out of breath

they dropped their cards and lisa got up and ran out of the room. phoebe tried to do the same, but i held her down

"slow down, she's going to be okay. you need to stay in bed" i said holding her back

she tried to fight her way past me "let me go harry, i need to be there for my sister!" she screamed

"you can be there for her by getting better" i replied calmly, understanding phoebe's outbreak and need to leave the room. she eventually stopped fighting me.

"i feel useless" she said laying back in the bed

"i know the feeling"

mia's pov

i woke up to bright lights. really bright. my throat was parched and i felt drained.

"mia?" i heard someone say. i couldn't put a face to their voice yet.

"water" i croaked and someone pushed a cup into my hand. drowning the liquid, i let my eyes open completely. okay, i'm in a hospital.

"oh goodness mia" the same voice said engulfing me in a hug. i put my arms around them. i looked at her face

"mom?" i asked and she nodded. my mom, lisa. i hugged her tighter and she pulled back. i looked around for phoebe- oh no

"where's phoebe, oh gosh mom i'm so sorry-"

she cut me off "phoebe's fine, she's in a room a few doors down from you." mom said dialing my hospital phone, presumably to ring their room. about 30 seconds after i hung up, harry ran to my side pressing his lips to mine

"don't you dare scare me like that again mia harrison, don't you dare"

i laughed "i'll try not to"

someone knocked on the door and my mom let them in. it was the same detectives that were on phoebe's case.

"hi mia, how are you feeling?" one of them asked

"peachy" i answered

"we just wanted to ask you a few questions about tonight." she said

and so i gave them the whole story, finding out drake shot phoebe, waking up, and being drugged. harry and my mom stayed silent.

"mia, do you know that drake is dead?" the other detective said

my heart dropped. julia. she's going to be devastated, she's had a crush on drake for years.

"no, i didn't" i said "all i remember is chad was holding a gun and that's i guess when the hemlock knocked me out"

they nodded and left the room. a doctor was the next person to come in and told me about how they were draining out the bad blood and getting the poison out of my system. i didn't really listen, it was more for reassuring my mom i was going to be okay.

the next thing i heard was a little girl in the hallway yelling at a nurse "lady, if you don't move any faster we'll make it to my sisters room next month, move faster!" she yelled.

the nurse wheeled phoebe into my room and she ran out of the chair jumping on my bed and carefully hugging me.

"i'm so glad you're okay" she said wrapping her arms around me. i felt tears come to my eyes

"me too" i said holding back my cries. i was terrified that i would never find out if i let phoebe die out in the park, but here she was in my arms

"you're never leaving our sights again"

the next few weeks were a blur. i found out that everyone realized who i was and although people were happy i was found, they weren't so happy about the lies. everyone soon got over it and my mom put me in online school.

the online school addition allowed me to go on the american part of the tour with the boys. i met zayn's girlfriend gaby, who he loves dearly and her and i mostly hung out when i couldn't spend my time with harry. life was as perfect as it could be and i couldn't be happier.

Through all the good and the bad, I'm glad I've made it this far and I can't wait to see what the future holds for Harry and me.

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