chapter 3 ✓

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chapter 3

i didn't stop running or even let go of julia until we were blocks away from the club. julia finally pulled away her hand from me

"stop running!" she yelled at me, holding her head which probably hurt from all the running i just made someone wasted run. my head would be hurting too, if it wasn't for the adrenaline pumping through me.

"why the hell did you run away from niall horan? do you know him? and why did he call you mia" julia asked.

how was i going to lie my way out of this one

"i just got scared when i realized who it was and i don't know maybe i look like a friend of his or something" i nervously tried to shrug it off like no big deal

julia was silent and took two steps in front of me, close enough i could feel her breath on my face

she busted out laughing

"spencer harrison just kissed niall horan!" she yelled out into the night and all my nerves left me

"why don't we try another club?" i asked looping my arm through hers and walking down the streets of new york.

niall's pov

the girl pushed me away and took her friends hand running out of the club. i began to follow her out, running after her until i reached the street and she was long gone.

that couldn't have been mia. it couldn't have. mia is asleep in chicago. she's been in a coma for a year, she wouldn't just wake up and not tell harry. plus that girl's lips tasted like cigarettes and drugs. mia would never do drugs. right? and why would mia be in new york at a club? it just made no sense.

but she looked so much like mia

do i tell harry? would it just ruin the months he has spent attempting to live his life normally again? what if that wasn't even mia and i just give harry false hopes.

i couldn't do that to him. to the band.


the girl said her name was spencer. why would mia change her name?

my head started hurting at all the confusion. fuck it. i doubt that was mia, maybe it's the alcohol.

mia's pov

i woke up the next morning with a pounding headache.

"fuck" i said throwing my phone halfway across the room in an attempt to make it shut up. i forced myself out of bed and into my bathroom to take some aspirin or some shit like that.

i took a shower and threw on a t-shirt dress with some lace stockings and a leather jacket. i put on my black doc martens and headed downstairs. i passed phoebe's room and noticed her attempting to put her hair in a bun

i knocked on her door and then let myself in

"need some help?"

she laughed "yes please"

i patted the bed for her to sit down and tied her hair in a ponytail before separating the pieces into a bun, securing them with bobypins.

"there, all finished" i said standing up. phoebe ran over to the mirror to inspect my works.

"it's perfect" she squealed before throwing a hoodie on over her leotard.

i raced her downstairs, letting her win first of course and realized what time it was

"shi- shoot i gotta go" i gave phoebe a kiss on the head "break a leg today!" i called before leaving.

i met julia at the corner. she was wearing sweatpants, sunglasses and she was holding two coffee's.

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