Author's Goodbye

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Holy Crap

I've finished another book. This is absolutly insane.

When I started the downfall of mia I didn't expect to ever get passed maybe 3 chapters, but here I am 35 actual chapters later and it's time to end Mia's story.

What is continuing on is Phoebe's, check out my story phoebe in wonderland which is a spin-off of this series. Follow Phoebe's dance high school life as she deals with everything the typical teenager deals with and even a bit more.

EDIT: Now that I've officially written over 8 chapters of Phoebe in Wonderland I can concur it is very much more of the drugs part of Mia's old life rather than the self harm part.

I want to say thank you to anyone who has read a word of my writing. I know, I often misspell things and I don't spellcheck which is bad on my part. So, Thank You from the bottom of my heart. Make sure to check out my other two stories.

EDIT: I've now completely spellcheck-edited this book and the downfall of mia!!! yay me!!!

Special thank you to my 3 friends who have been with this book from start to finish. I would have never kept writing if it wasn't for you guys.

Thanks Again

veronica sawyer xx

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