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"So first things first. What would you like to drink or even eat? I was going to eat before you arrived but I do like to take my time when I have it so I figured that we could have a late breakfast together."

"A late breakfast? Its past 2:00pm Bodie!"

"Have you had any breakfast Louise?"

"I had a coffee and a piece of toast this morning but nothing since..."

"Well in that case I insist we have a proper breakfast now."

"Oh I don't usually eat much until dinner because I'm too busy working plus I hate having a meal and then being confined to endless meetings which by and large involve a lot of sitting around which is not a good thing for a girl who likes to keep her figure in check!"

"Your figure? From what I have seen so far, you have a very attractive figure, even in your work attire. By the way, you certainly outclass every other woman in this Café and I have noticed quite a few of the patrons, both men and women give you the not very discreet 'twice over'!"

"The 'twice over'?"

"Yes, the 'twice over'. It means exactly as it sounds."

"Which is?"

"You tell me what you think it means?"

Looking around the Café Louise felt a little self-conscious, even more so than when she first sat down. "But I don't want anyone to look at me in that way" she exclaimed. "I mean, I don't want anyone to recognise me!"

"You mean you don't like anyone to admire how attractive you are?"

She was now blushing and he saw it but did not make it obvious.

"Well no.....I don't mean like that, I mean I don't want anyone to recognise who I am in any situation I don't plan or control."

"You didn't plan to come today?"

"I wanted to talk about this last night on the phone but you made me lose my train of thought. It was on my checklist of what to cover and it's all your fault that I forgot, especially after reading your last message!" She was half smiling and half frowning as she said this.

Bodie chuckled and then finished the remainder of his coffee. "You mean the instructions?" he said, laughing quietly.

"Yes, the instructions!"

"So how exactly did the instructions make you lose your train of thought?" he asked in a very sincere tone.

Looking intently at his handsome face and trying to retain the intended irritation in her tone she continued. "How on earth can you be so sincere in asking how was I distracted when by sending those instructions you clearly intended to do just that! Do you realise how long it took me to get to sleep last night?"

"So you are blaming me for that?" he responded indignantly but with a smile.

"Well yes, yes I am you bad, bad man. Can I remind you that I live at home with my parents, well technically I am in a very nice granny flat out the back but nevertheless, I am still with my parents!" Bodie was still smiling. Louise lowered her voice and continued, "so after reading your instructions I was feeling very, very horny and.."

"So why didn't you just masturbate? Surely that would have helped you go to sleep?" he interrupted in an equally hushed and genuinely sympathetic tone.

She was blushing again and her rosy cheeks highlighted her natural beauty. "Because when I orgasm, I am quite....noisy....even very loud, one might say." Putting both hands up to her cheeks she added, "oh god, I'm blushing again aren't I?"

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