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The drive from Cottesloe to Mount Lawley took only twenty five minutes as it was a Thursday and the middle of the day. He arrived at 1:45pm and deliberately chose a table next to the rear wall and near the bi-fold windows. Before sitting down he repositioned the chairs so that they were next to and not opposite each other. That way Louise would be sitting at an angle on his left side. He had been coming here for a couple of years now and the service was always good and the coffee and food was usually very good. Some of the staff knew him my name and as he sat down, the Barista recognised his familiar face and quickly made him his usual skinny cappuccino. The 'Milgiore Café' had a capacity for about 90 customers, was open six days per week and was still almost full with people enjoying a leisurely, late lunch.

She had asked on the phone last night, "How will I recognise you? A Café in that part of town on a Thursday is going to be busy."

He had responded, "Don't worry, I will recognise you."

From his table, Bodie could see the entrance and as he took a second sip of his cappuccino, he saw her arrive on the stroke of 2:00pm, as arranged. He could see her looking at her phone as she entered and mused that she was probably checking the picture he had sent her last night to remind her of what he looked like. Whilst she was looking down at her phone, Bodie took the opportunity to quickly make his way towards the entrance, to the side and was now behind her. As she looked up to see if she could spot him in the throng of diners, he stood silently a few feet away and began to chuckle quietly as he watched her put her phone up to her ear.

His phone was on silent but vibrate and as it began to buzz quietly in his hand he approached her from behind and tapped her on the shoulder.

"Hello Louise."

Startled, she almost jumped. Turning abruptly her wide-eyed expression quickly changed to a relieved smile.

"Hello Mr. Bodie. You nearly made me shriek!"

Chuckling, he said, "follow me" as he walked back to his table at the far side of the Café. As she sat down, Louise looked around and then appeared a little flustered realising that the chairs were in a different position from the other tables around them. The distance between them was less than two feet, exactly how Bodie wanted it.

"So how long have you been on that BDSM site for?"

The question was not unexpected to Bodie, even predictable especially as she was so clearly lacking in actual experience, or so it seemed from the conversation the previous evening. Bodie deliberately delayed his response whilst he looked at the menu. Seconds ticked by and she started to think he had not heard her but then he looked up and tilted his head to the side. His grey-blue eyes reminded her of the night sky on a hot summer's night as he gazed intently into hers and smiled.

"That's a fair question and one I will answer soon enough but first let's talk about some other things."

She seemed a little surprised that her question had not been answered. Her level of curiosity and nervousness exceeded any hint of annoyance and her response was a suppressed, "Oh, ok........so what other things did you have in mind Bodie?"

"Well let's start with the instructions I gave you last night. Do you remember what they were?"

"Yes I do but I don't feel comfortable with talking about them in public" she said in an almost hushed toned. Louise leaned towards him and the hint of oriental-styled fragrance that he had picked up standing next to her was now more distinct. He could smell citrus, cloves including Cinnamon and Pepper but also Jasmine, Ylang Ylang and Mint. How did he know this? Because his sister had been wearing the same perfume only a few weeks earlier and he had asked her what it was. ' Yves Saint Laurent Opium' was enveloping his nostrils as she spoke.

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